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Best guard dog's

Guest Mass_G3nocide

Best guard dogs.?  

212 members have voted

  1. 1. Best guard dog's?

    • Rottweiler
    • English bull terrier
    • American Pitbull
    • Alaunt
    • Rhodesian ridgeback
    • Staffodshire bull terrier
    • German shephard/Alsation
    • Doberman
    • Pyrenean mountain dog

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Anyone who is looking for an ab guard/working dog can have an adult male free from a friend of mine who breeds/shows and does sport work.


He imported a male who has bred some nice pups but the dog itself isn't working out for him. The dog has caught boar in florida before coming over so prey drive is there, shows no interest in sport work thou? anyone interested pm me and i will pass details on...

Edited by Bulldogman
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this is my favourite of our gourd dogs bronson

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Nothing more dangerouse than a guarding type with no trust for man. I rear mine in the house with the family as i do my other dogs plenty socialisation and crowded places they switch on as they mature and it comes natural my old ab bitch 27" would run for an hour at the side of my push bike with the whippets jump anything and if you come over my dyke you wouldnt have left nor would anyone have heard her. Most trustworthy dog ever i owned among kids but very untolerant of other bitche's. Second is the cane corso 35" plus at 11 months or so roll over for any kid or woman but run before he crawled with any strange man i got him at 5 months best £40 ever i spent he is now on a mates farm at 5 years as he could be unpredictable with men in the streets must have been something when he was a pup. Personaly cant fault doberman for there man work although they can be moody and flip when left alone if not reared properly. Maly's are my top man dog although wouldnt keep one as a yard/guard dog as they have high drive and wouldnt suit lay up in a yard. 80% of guard dogs never leave there yard and only see limited people so in my opinion any dog reared in that situation would be untrustworthy with strangers and would lash out in fear if nothing else. There is a different prospective on a guard dog now than 10 or 15 years ago when the dog would be part of the family and treated as one as apose to a dog locked in a yard like these days.

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