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Best guard dog's

Guest Mass_G3nocide

Best guard dogs.?  

212 members have voted

  1. 1. Best guard dog's?

    • Rottweiler
    • English bull terrier
    • American Pitbull
    • Alaunt
    • Rhodesian ridgeback
    • Staffodshire bull terrier
    • German shephard/Alsation
    • Doberman
    • Pyrenean mountain dog

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this is my favourite of our gourd dogs bronson

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Guest rodsmith

ive had more trouble than many,what with keepering the lambourn downs(all you coursing lads will know it WONT you),also with dog theft.ive had a rotty & 3 shepherds on at the same time but my view is,the best working,be it guard OR close protection is the dog you can put your life in their hands.one thet WILL bite,WILL protect.id dare anyone that would aproach the farm when the dogs were out.id NOT be without a guard dog!!

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I see alot of people have gone for the German shephard i must say they are good guard dogs and good police dogs just too stupid for there own good.



This shows what little experience you have of the breed, also you have listed German Shepherds and Alsations as separate votes? They are the same dog.


The best guard dog depends on your definition of a guard dog, many people are happy with something that sits in the kennels and barks at strange noises, other own dogs that will bite anyone entering their "territory" where as my idea of a guard dog is one that is very sociable inside and outside the home environment, is always under control with an excellent level of obedience and high drive and strong nerves, the dog must be able to find, locate and hold and intruder without biting unless told too, my dogs are also trained on searching, and various manwork techniques to make the dog think they are indestructable.


I like rotties but they can be headstrong and finding a good one with all the physical and physcological attributes is difficult, imported malinois are very high drive but are often to high maintenance for pet homes and require a great deal of experience. I also like some bull breeds but I find a GSD from Belgian/Dutch or Slovakian lines that is physically sound and has the correct drives is the best all round protection dog.................


Good post Simo, :good: I'm not a GSD man, mainly through the almost hideous 'deformitys' the show type now carrys but as you said get one physically sound and what a animal, history has proved there worth in this field.

For the sheer intimidation factor, for me it'd be a Rottie everytime, though if I was to own one i'd go for the Malinois ;)


Kept various bull types for almost all my life, have a big 'ol lump in the yard now that knows his job at home but for work as a genuine guard breed.... bull types....personally.....not in the same league!!

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What is the best guard dog please choose an option and give reason if you like underneath.If you have any other suggestions on a good guard dog let us know.


SHAR PEI my neighbour had one before ,And f**k me all i had to do was fart and she went f*****g mental

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geese!!! :yes:
ive never heard of that breed of dog have you any pictures


ha ha!

all dogs can be bribed and or poisoned with food or shut up in some way!

geese make a hell of a row if some one drops over your fence at night no matter what!

very true.....you would crap yourself if you heard that hissing come out from the darkness sharply followed by a hard peck to the back of the leg......only problem is they have to be locked up at night.....other than that i think they would be a good gaurd :laugh:

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Guest Chip

Knew a fella with an alsation a big dog that most would give benefit of the doubt if you saw it but he wreckoned it had nothing on the gaggle (if thats the right word) of white geese he had nocking about the yard what a racket and thet,d come at you :D .


i laughed months back on the phone with another lad on here he keeps/works these bulldogs not the johnston crap.

this particular day some one had a crack at his place or dogs buy time he got home the only evidence left was a trail of blood and a training shoe leading up to the back gate :clapper:


i think i much prefer a dog that sounded of more than anything them alsations do it so well.

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lol it would take a really stupid person to go into scotsmans garden on there own :D ali just said is that the dog your scared of zap she said it dont look that scary but hey it was not her the fecker wanted to eat :(:(

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Spot on posts by simoman and richard25.


American Pitbull? Seriously? Thats a terribly uninformed poll option. Pitbulls were never guard dogs. They were bred to be extremely human friendly. Any dog that showed aggression towards people in dogfight rings throghout the ages, was immediately killed and not bred from. Which is why the "pitbull attacks" don't make much sense other than being down to a psycologically damaged dog, or a dog that has not known any pack stucture.


I wouldn't trust GSD's as guards unless you get one from proper working lines. You may think you have a grand guard dog GSD from show/pet lines, but lets see it put under a bit of pressure from an intruder, it will crack. Especially American lines.

You can easily outsmart a GSD.


The European line Doberman, now theres a guard. If you have ever had one, you will know that they don't rest. They are alert 24/7. The slightest noise and the sleepng doberman will literally spring from lying down to standing in one motion. As well as being highly capable of phsically stopping anyone that intrudes, the Doberman is just too smart. You will never outsmart a Doberman.

As an ex Russian soldier once told my father, try to get past one doberman with a gun and you might make it. Try to get past two dobermans with a gun and you have a very slim chance. Try to get past three dobermans with a gun and you're dead.


The Doberman is capable of teamwork. Many police forces tend to use GSD's because they are easier, Dobermans will challenge you. They are just smarter.


The Doberman also has a strange ability to instinctively know who to be hostile to and who to be friendly to. My Doberman absolutely LOVES visitors. He greets visitors the same as he greets us when we come home. But if someone is hanging around the fields (like burglars the other night), he will growl and bark and I dread to think what he would do if he caught them.



But try to leave a Doberman in a yard all day and treat it as a "guard dog", and you will be unpleasantly surprized. The dog is likely to go crazy at strangers for attention only. Long term, the dog will begin to sway from boredom and will become so phsycologically damaged that it may just die.



Heres basically what my dog looks like. My dog is a young Yugoslavian line dog with a good few Schutzhund, other woking titles and CH titles in his pedigree. This is NOT MY DOG, it is a very similar one though -






I cannot stress how intelligent the Doberman is, but to someone looking for an "easy guard dog" no way would I recommend this dog.



I recommend an alarm system and a weapon!



So true they are absolutley outstanding dogs. I wouldnt think twice about trying to get past one never mind 3!


I heard that the police stopped using them here because 'they couldnt take the cold and ended up a shivering wreck' is that true or just an excuse because they couldnt handle them. lol



I must say I find collies pretty unstoppable dogs too Ive got a cross who wont let anyone within 4 feet of me at the shop if they are acting strange and wearing a hood. Just the other week some chav in a hood n trakkies tried it goin on about 'he's only wee my staffy could batter him!' (even though this particular twat doesnt even own a dog) and he started pissing off the dog and just as i said 'you'll regret that' he jumped on the lad and pulled him to the ground and ragged his trakkies and pinned him! :laugh: i had my girlfriends GSD/husky with me too (he actually looks scary) but he just wagged his tail and howled happily while harry foamed at the mouth and his hackles made him look like a ridgeback lol.

Even the dogs at my uncles farm are pretty bad. When my granda was ill some builders came to fix the roof on the barn but when they tried to move anything that belonged (toolbox etc.) to my granda they went for them then just sat in front of it and snapped when they came near lol.

Personally I think if it came to it I would out run/manouver a staff or sharpei (other short wide dogs) but have no chance with a doberman or even a collie.




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