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shooting dogs

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Guest ferret feller

id be with richie boy on this one shooting a dog that dosent know the bounaries of land and has done nothing wrong takes the piss....

dogs dont see boundarys they just see quarry...

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hi all i was just wondering could a keeper shoot my dogs if they were on a lead away from any livestock ? its just that everytime i wlk to my permission i have to cross a footpath and every time the gamekeeper has a go at me saying he has seen me come out of this wood with a brace of pheasant :blink: basicly a prick all becouse i didnt go beating for him coz he is a tosser :( his wife owns a shop up the road and she is allways sayng watch out XXXX is going to shoot your dogs next time he see you :wankerzo4: so could he leggally shoot m y dogs if they were on the lead on a footpath ?

You started of your post so well by asking a decent question then you showed your true colours, no wonder the keeper wants to break every bone in your body. :thumbdown:

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if you told the police he threatened to shoot you they will have to visit him and caution him that caution is then brought to the attention of the inspector who will then have his license suspended and his gun taken of him with out his gun hes knackered full stop. he wouldnt be threatening my 14 yr old son on a footpath with a gun nor would his missus be harrassing him when he was going past her shop with his dogs. when we were kids we always people chasing us about and threatening us with what they was going to do to us or our dogs bullies the lot of em threatening to shoot kids and theyre dogs its ok telling kids you shouldnt be here or you shouldnt be doing this a lot of people tend to forget that they were kids once

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hi all i was just wondering could a keeper shoot my dogs if they were on a lead away from any livestock ? its just that everytime i wlk to my permission i have to cross a footpath and every time the gamekeeper has a go at me saying he has seen me come out of this wood with a brace of pheasant :blink: basicly a prick all becouse i didnt go beating for him coz he is a tosser :( his wife owns a shop up the road and she is allways sayng watch out XXXX is going to shoot your dogs next time he see you :wankerzo4: so could he leggally shoot m y dogs if they were on the lead on a footpath ?

You started of your post so well by asking a decent question then you showed your true colours, no wonder the keeper wants to break every bone in your body. :thumbdown:

what so if someone was hassling you every time you wqent to permission\walked past a shop you wouldnt get fed up ? if youve got dogs woulds you tolorate anyone threatning to shoot them ? if i had actually been poaching then i would have taken it on the chin btw way his wife apoliugized to me today saying they have seen the person who was diturbing the birds they are on cctv :feck: so there will be no need to kill any of his birds aslong as he apoligises :angel: thanks to all including millet for all the comments :victory:

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Get your solicitor to send him a letter saying if you recieve anymore threats you will be forced to take legal action under the threatening to inflict grievous bodily harm act .

i would but im only 14 .......



Which is blatantly obvious from your posts.

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