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Did anyone see 'Could You Eat an Elephant' on C4 last night?

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Yeah I watched most of it, not a bad idea for a program but the casting of the 2 chefs was poor. They were hard to understand (although 1 had suffered from Parkinson’s so had an excuse) they both seemed to give me the impression that they were removed from the normal world.


At one point I thought that the program was a comedy/setup program, 2 stranger chefs surely could not be found!


Its was amusing at times but proved nothing and I also learnt nothing form it either, channel 4 you must do better.


The rat catching scene was a strange one, did they honestly think they only caught rats from the paddy fields!!!


Come on, the majority of them must come from built up areas, swilling around in effluent, get with the real world chaps!


As for the dogs, they were treated badly indeed, but being prodded with sticks was not the worst thing they have experienced in there life that’s for sure!

I am not saying that they should not eat them, I find it hard sometimes that people try differentiate between what animals should be eaten and what animals should not, but one thing should be constant across these animals - limit the suffering and ensure there lives are as happy as possible and that the deaths are humane.


This part of the program was shocking to those who don’t know this goes on, in which case I find this surprising as its been happening for hundreds of years.


Until they can drag their ass into the developing world ensuring their human rights and conditions improve, animal’s treatment will always be rock bottom.

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I have no qualms with any animal being killed/eaten providing there is minimal suffering and the ends are justifiable. I wasn't even happy about seeing the rats getting their teeth ripped out or the snake being butchered alive.


Why they had Jeremy Clarkson's gay brother and his down-syndrome mate presenting it I'll never know. I can't see that program is going to do any good for their restaurant business.

Edited by Cornio
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I'd agree the 2 chefs presenting it were slight oddballs :blink: I did'nt like the dog part of the show :no: but i was happy to hear that the younger generations of vietmanese are not eating dog as much,so hopefully in a few decades the practice may cease :hmm:

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didnt see this perticular program but i no what your on bout its fecking sick china thialand korea viatnam thier like fecking savages 20 dogs in a shoe box . i see a programe the other day showing what these sick fecks do. before electric stunning they reckon the beatin of a dog hung up was better for the taste of the meat .its enough to make ya want to wage a one man war on the fecking gooks. but what can we do , we all love a chinky spare ribs and the like .id like to see gook cockle pickers cop it every day . chinese medison. joke i no we hunt some for sport many for the table .but what they kill to make potions and powders that aint even proven medican please some one tell me were the feck can a dried tigers cock reapel an ilness that half these forien dogs have brought to this counry. this is a thred that opens up all manners of topics .ie younge british familys cant get a house all took by forien imports. and all us biulding trade boys been slowley overtaken to the point were all the jobs are going to them along with big wage drops .this goverments a joke. i no ive come away from the original thred. but it all ties in to the same thing its a topic that makes me feckin mad and im sure it does a lot of you boys aswell. as well as hunting man im an avid carp fisherman .its come to the point were they even want to take our carp from the lakes to eat some of wich are up to 50 yrs old true english carp .not only that our geese swans ducks anything else that fecking moves . sorry to harp on but if im the only man to get this enoyed bout these dogs then feck it .just think PAY CUTS> JOBS HOUSING .an our childrens futures.

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