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my young 9 month old lurcher is ok retrieving rabbit skinned dummy in the garden but when shes out in an open space she dont want to no,she just chases it then wont bring it back,anyone got an ideas on what to do next i was hoping to get her out on lamp this season but looks like i will be waiting till next season.i want everything right before i go out with her rather wait then ruin her

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She's at precisely the wrong age for open field training as she's going through the 'teenage' stage. A lot of mine have gone like this between the ages of 6 to 12 months. Keep her training to enclosed spaces, attach a line to either dummy or dog depending on dog's temperament. Reel in dog or dummy with lots of praise, and keep working on the recall in as many different situations as you can: once your recall is spot on the rest will follow.


Something else I do for pups that are bored with just retrieving a dummy (that can make them want to messa bout with it too) is to hide it in long grass, behind something so the dog has to search for it: most will get more satisfaction from having to use their noses and will be happier to repeat the exercise.


Finally: don't over do retrieve training: once or twice during a training session is quite enough.

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thanks for advice i only did it once in open field she wasn`t interested so i stopped straight away.so i will carry on under the carport at home where she cant get past me,im not one for rushing in ive got plenty of years with her hopefully thanks again

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