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thanks for the info ,her sire had it too,must be a hereditory thing then,he was a non ped whippet,at the time i thought the hair loss was from the muscle rub the racers use, i will try a few things that s been mentioned thanks BB

It is very often due to muscle rubbing which is why it's commonly seen in racing dogs and unfortunatly is rarely curable though hair growth improves once the massaging stops. Certainly all my racers had it to a degree but i've never had it in a non racer although they shared kennals, bedding food etc. Even more unfortunatly if it is due to destruction of hair follicle then it's likely incurable, at least till we see a cure for bald men out there. All the herbs and snake oil in the world won't cure baldness.

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My lurcher girl has tempory alopecia - in winter she go's bald on her thighs and sides

and summer she gets some hair back, the only thing i found help's is seaweed (kelp)

although she dosent get all her hair back, she just gets a short covering,


At the moment no one knows what cause's bald thigh syndrome ( alopecia )

although there have been some studdies done in to why it happens

it could be caused by any number of things,


have found this - its worth a try.





One of the studys that was done on 43 greyhounds


Bald thigh syndrome (BTS) is a disease limited to Greyhound dogs. It is characterized clinically and grossly by bilateral hair loss on the lateral and caudal thighs. The cause of BTS is unknown but may be associated with hypothyroidism or hyperadrenocorticism. Samples of skin, thyroid glands, and adrenal glands from 43 Greyhound dogs with BTS were examined microscopically. Microscopic changes were characterized by dilatation of follicular infundibula, presence of catagen follicles and epidermal hyperplasia. Changes in the skin from these Greyhound dogs suggest an endocrinopathy as the cause; however, we were unable to confirm which one.



But at the end of the day if its not bothering the dog - i wouldnt worry about it.

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Thats interesting Chook, the symptoms are the same as adrenal in ferrets & its only my dog that has the thinning patch not the bitch , i simply assumed it was due to them laying down & the coat going thin


Good read up on greyhounds thanks

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