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i know a guy who has started his patts on rats at 10 weeks old ,and he keeps no shit dogs in his yard .full stop .but me i start mine at 4 months old ,they are plenty big enough and if the dog has any thing bred in it, it will do the rat after first seeing the rat in a cage for a few mins ,wind the dog up a bit first and watch it go :D

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6 months onwards [bANNED TEXT] as they r better to work with their adult teeth, dogs can do it ealier but risk damage as their teeth arnt strong enough :good:


Plus it depends upon your dogs temprement, some dogs bitten at an early age may shy away when older.


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Ive started pups as soon as they are jabbed up...on the other end of the scale i have started dogs as old as 10 months...my own Lakeland was killing them real young, and is the best rat dog i have ever had...but her sister didnt fancy a look at it until much later, and she is more than likely a much better ratting dog than mine...i would wait until you think they are ready, then give them another month to make sure!..lol...why ruin a young dog on summat as silly as a few months?...be patient, and only good things will come!....good luck mate!.


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Ive started pups as soon as they are jabbed up..


Get real pinnochio.

I think you will find she did :yes:








Whether Kye was right or wrong.....only he knows. But he has a cracking bitch who appears to have no fear of anything.



Brilliant post Oneredtrim :good:


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