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Sorry admin, I could do this via PM but you know what I'm like :laugh: , I'd just like to make members aware of the behaviour of a minority of members on this site.


Sometimes I have been known to post threads which can be a bit of a wind up :whistling: and I will say what I say, not that makes me any different from any other member on here and if the thread is that bad/controversial, well it's deleted/binned/whatever. Members don't have to reply and I've had quite a few threads that have had no replies on..........that's life :yes:


I think one of my threads has been removed this morning, can't find it anyway :doh:, maybe it's just as well as I was in the process of replying on it :laugh:, but back to the reason behind this thread, why do some members, there are three in particular get personal and start the insults and try to rubbish my threads? I couldn't care less to be honest what folk think of me one way or another, but if their only replies are insults, I'm all for deleting the thread, the one from this morning was for folk to express their feelings towards the content, but then the insults started.


Why? The thread was not aimed at any one person on the site, it was an article of news for Christs' sake, so what the hell is that all about? I think that this is something that needs addressing quickly before a personal attack is launched in the wrong direction.


I wasn't gonna bother posting this but feel that it needs to "aired" with all the members on the site. In the past and again this morning I was called a "racist" and I although I totally agree with being labeled as such, I can't understand why oh why the minority can't just deal with it and shut the feck up.


The post that was deleted this morning was bang out of order, people shouting about shooting other races BLAH BLAH BLAH, have your opinions BUT this is a hunting forum, not a forum to shout about how much you hate other races, if you want to spout that kind of shit go on the BNP site, i'm sure there is loads of other people on there more then happy to talk about killing other races.


hunting site it may be but this is "General Talk" and that' where the original thread was posted, you have your opinions and others on here have theirs and are entitled to express them as much as you are, but this thread is about personal slating of one member/s against not only me but others if you read some of the replies :)

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hunting site it may be but this is "General Talk" and that' where the original thread was posted, you have your opinions and others on here have theirs and are entitled to express them as much as you are, but this thread is about personal slating of one member/s against not only me but others if you read some of the replies :)


Yes i know it was in the general talk and yes people are entitled to their own opinions, if you want to hate other races thats your right, what i don't agree with, is, what i presume to be grown men talking about shooting people because of the colour of their skin (i know it was not YOU that posted that response) there is just no need to talk about your hatred that openly, surely the majority of people on here (except the antis and RSPCA) are here for the same reasons, we love to hunt, whether it be taking part or just watching, should it matter what colour their skin is, i have been on the end of racist behaviour my whole life, 12 year old girl, hiding in the school toilets so i didn't get pushed about by the same group of boys again, it isn't nice as i'm sure you can imagine and then to come on a site full of like minded people and read the hatred directed by a few towards others because of skin colour, i thought i had left my school memories behind when i walked out of the gates for the last time 8 years ago, obviously not.

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Hollie, I never got the opportunity to read that far back on the thread and was trying to reply to the last bit of input first when it was pulled and if folk did put a reply that they would seriously kill another human being on an open forum well what a stupid thing to do, a reply in jest is a different matter and anyone on here who knows me knows that I should be the site jester. I'm sorry this has raked up something that was in your past, but I can't apologise for what others think or say on my threads.


Al :thumbs:

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Hollie, I never got the opportunity to read that far back on the thread and was trying to reply to the last bit of input first when it was pulled and if folk did put a reply that they would seriously kill another human being on an open forum well what a stupid thing to do, a reply in jest is a different matter and anyone on here who knows me knows that I should be the site jester. I'm sorry this has raked up something that was in your past, but I can't apologise for what others think or say on my threads.


Al :thumbs:




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You want to try being accused of being an 'anti' just because you don't agree with some of the BIG MEN on here.... :laugh:



:laugh: you're not the first to enlighten me on that subject today funnily enough :icon_eek: , now that must be penis related :laugh:

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:laugh: you're not the first to enlighten me on that subject today funnily enough :icon_eek: , now that must be penis related :laugh:


Penis joke from Mike Harding:



I can hold mine with 4 fingers























But I'm pissing on 2 of them....



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:laugh: you're not the first to enlighten me on that subject today funnily enough :icon_eek: , now that must be penis related :laugh:


Penis joke from Mike Harding:



I can hold mine with 4 fingers























But I'm pissing on 2 of them....




:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :laugh: how's about:-


a white fella and a black fella stood at the side of a river taking a piss..............


white fella says " water's cold eh"


black fella says "yeh




































deep too!!!" :laugh::drink:

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