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rabbiting done for this season

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Well theres no point in flogging a dead horse theres bugger all around me in the line of bunny's so I think thats it for this season and hopefully it will be better next season I have seen a few young uns knocking about so fingers crossed.Dogs and ferrets get a bit of a rest its just ratting with dogs and shooting and plenty of pigeon,crow and squirel shooting for now unless there is a realy good night and I can not resist god I hate end of season especialy the end of a bad one. :angry:

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Well theres no point in flogging a dead horse theres bugger all around me in the line of bunny's so I think thats it for this season and hopefully it will be better next season I have seen a few young uns knocking about so fingers crossed.Dogs and ferrets get a bit of a rest its just ratting with dogs and shooting and plenty of pigeon,crow and squirel shooting for now unless there is a realy good night and I can not resist god I hate end of season especialy the end of a bad one. :angry:


Feckin' Hell mate, end of season Jan 13th. Get a bit farther afeild. Cheers, D.

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There isnt a season


No ok mate no season as such but I allways give them a couple of month leway each year for rearing the young and so on. and I go further a feild mate but unless its like 100 mile out its no good been going out all night for maybe 10 rabbits just gonna see if a couple of months make's any difference might still have the odd night but it wont be as frequent as now.

cheers guys

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find a diffrant property, i was getting like nothing untill i found this new one, i avrage 10-15 each time, not massive as some folk get but i still think it's decant for just me 2 hobs and no collars or locators :victory:

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