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im a travilling man" stoping in cambrige and want to know how many travillers are on the hunting life ??

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  night time my time said:
i spent over 20 years on the road,horses wagons and running dogs, i been robbed by gorgers dids an smackheads,got most of em back so far,list is still on going though,good and bad in all, ;)

im a travelin man from kent and proud to be 1 wouldnt change wat i am for the world.

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well theres good and bad in all, plenty of sly feckers on both sides,i know just two that treat me well gypsy folk that is they dont like to be labeld as travelers.realy its down to travelers leaving mess no one likes it aspecialy on their door step,but having said that how many none travelers fly tip only the same in principle.you cant realy point your finger at any one set of folk were all guilty in some way or other.

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The world p***y means different things to different people.

To me it means a wannabe gypsy, or plastic p***y. What

some now call chav's (which comes from the gypsy saying"chavvy")

used to be called pikeys when I was younger, and didnt relate to


I agree I probably use the term more for the "chavs and hoodies". Being a traditionalist I actually have a lot of respect for the old Romany travellers with their horse drawn caravans. A bit less respect for the transit driving tarmacers and other rip-off merchants though. ;)

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  doga said:
well theres good and bad in all, plenty of sly feckers on both sides,i know just two that treat me well gypsy folk that is they dont like to be labeld as travelers.realy its down to travelers leaving mess no one likes it aspecialy on their door step,but having said that how many none travelers fly tip only the same in principle.you cant realy point your finger at any one set of folk were all guilty in some way or other.


Very true, hence my comment about the locals.

I guess it's not unknown for someone local to 'dispose' of some of their junk on a site travellers have just vacated.


And those who use a site and leave it as clean as when they arrived, aren't going to be commented on. That's human nature unfortunately. Leave the place a tip and the local press goes ballistic.

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  droid said:
  doga said:
well theres good and bad in all, plenty of sly feckers on both sides,i know just two that treat me well gypsy folk that is they dont like to be labeld as travelers.realy its down to travelers leaving mess no one likes it aspecialy on their door step,but having said that how many none travelers fly tip only the same in principle.you cant realy point your finger at any one set of folk were all guilty in some way or other.


Very true, hence my comment about the locals.

I guess it's not unknown for someone local to 'dispose' of some of their junk on a site travellers have just vacated.


And those who use a site and leave it as clean as when they arrived, aren't going to be commented on. That's human nature unfortunately. Leave the place a tip and the local press goes ballistic.




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  droid said:
Can't comment on taxes paid, or Council Tax paid, but the bunch that camped at the top of our road a few years ago weren't particularly clean living, if the enormous piles of sh1te they left behind were anything to go by.

They were there 2 weeks. Would have taken the local chavs 3 months to create that amount of mess.

i live on my own PLOT of land..? 3 acres" the home i live in £65000 for it..? i drive a new range rover...cost £52000 ..i go 5 gorger men work for me... full time " i pay my tax" im a romany gipsy"...33 year old..?


most of you live in a council house..!!! and your dogs live in it with you..? and you,ve got the cheek to talk about enormous piles of shit..? when your cleaning dog shit off the carpet.. your kids!!! play on..? your just a jelous becouse you see young men driving nice new cars!! and your waitting for your GIRO..? becouse your a dosser who dont want to work and just lay about drinking and taking drugs..?


i have worked hard all my life to get were i am today!!! {WERE ARE YOU..?} the people who camped at the top of your road are NOT ROMANY people there {irish kackers} proper stinkers who give gipsy people a bad name!!! you get the same in the same on council astates...? you know the ones" there garden looks like a tip" with a big peace of wood nailed to the door were the police have beat it in looking for drug.!!

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  bushy said:
  droid said:
Can't comment on taxes paid, or Council Tax paid, but the bunch that camped at the top of our road a few years ago weren't particularly clean living, if the enormous piles of sh1te they left behind were anything to go by.

They were there 2 weeks. Would have taken the local chavs 3 months to create that amount of mess.

i live on my own PLOT of land..? 3 acres" the home i live in £65000 for it..? i drive a new range rover...cost £52000 ..i go 5 gorger men work for me... full time " i pay my tax" im a romany gipsy"...33 year old..?


most of you live in a council house..!!! and your dogs live in it with you..? and you,ve got the cheek to talk about enormous piles of shit..? when your cleaning dog shit off the carpet.. your kids!!! play on..? your just a jelous becouse you see young men driving nice new cars!! and your waitting for your GIRO..? becouse your a dosser who dont want to work and just lay about drinking and taking drugs..?


i have worked hard all my life to get were i am today!!! {WERE ARE YOU..?} the people who camped at the top of your road are NOT ROMANY people there {irish kackers} proper stinkers who give gipsy people a bad name!!! you get the same in the same on council astates...? you know the ones" there garden looks like a tip" with a big peace of wood nailed to the door were the police have beat it in looking for drug.!!

:clapper: you no dont you :D full of tattoos 5 chavvy's bye the time the girls fifteen lol and 2 of the chavys callo :laugh: waiting for the giro to get a new tatoo .
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  bushy said:
  droid said:
Can't comment on taxes paid, or Council Tax paid, but the bunch that camped at the top of our road a few years ago weren't particularly clean living, if the enormous piles of sh1te they left behind were anything to go by.

They were there 2 weeks. Would have taken the local chavs 3 months to create that amount of mess.

i live on my own PLOT of land..? 3 acres" the home i live in £65000 for it..? i drive a new range rover...cost £52000 ..i go 5 gorger men work for me... full time " i pay my tax" im a romany gipsy"...33 year old..?


most of you live in a council house..!!! and your dogs live in it with you..? and you,ve got the cheek to talk about enormous piles of shit..? when your cleaning dog shit off the carpet.. your kids!!! play on..? your just a jelous becouse you see young men driving nice new cars!! and your waitting for your GIRO..? becouse your a dosser who dont want to work and just lay about drinking and taking drugs..?


i have worked hard all my life to get were i am today!!! {WERE ARE YOU..?} the people who camped at the top of your road are NOT ROMANY people there {irish kackers} proper stinkers who give gipsy people a bad name!!! you get the same in the same on council astates...? you know the ones" there garden looks like a tip" with a big peace of wood nailed to the door were the police have beat it in looking for drug.!!


Spot on bushy :victory: its only the irish knackers that they hear about choreing the dogs and most people think they are the reel romany gypsys

Edited by DIGZY
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  DIGZY said:
  bushy said:
  droid said:
Can't comment on taxes paid, or Council Tax paid, but the bunch that camped at the top of our road a few years ago weren't particularly clean living, if the enormous piles of sh1te they left behind were anything to go by.

They were there 2 weeks. Would have taken the local chavs 3 months to create that amount of mess.

i live on my own PLOT of land..? 3 acres" the home i live in £65000 for it..? i drive a new range rover...cost £52000 ..i go 5 gorger men work for me... full time " i pay my tax" im a romany gipsy"...33 year old..?


most of you live in a council house..!!! and your dogs live in it with you..? and you,ve got the cheek to talk about enormous piles of shit..? when your cleaning dog shit off the carpet.. your kids!!! play on..? your just a jelous becouse you see young men driving nice new cars!! and your waitting for your GIRO..? becouse your a dosser who dont want to work and just lay about drinking and taking drugs..?


i have worked hard all my life to get were i am today!!! {WERE ARE YOU..?} the people who camped at the top of your road are NOT ROMANY people there {irish kackers} proper stinkers who give gipsy people a bad name!!! you get the same in the same on council astates...? you know the ones" there garden looks like a tip" with a big peace of wood nailed to the door were the police have beat it in looking for drug.!!


Spot on bushy :victory: its only the irish knackers that they hear about choreing the dogs and most people think they are the reel romany gypsys

bushy well said thats the best one yet :clapper::clapper::clapper: like l said ,to me and a lot off romany ,fen lane is known as millioniares lane to sum ,sum very welthy mushes live there ,as to the giro boys say ,put that in ya pipe n smoke it pmslllllllll :clapper: Edited by martini
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  bushy said:
  droid said:
Can't comment on taxes paid, or Council Tax paid, but the bunch that camped at the top of our road a few years ago weren't particularly clean living, if the enormous piles of sh1te they left behind were anything to go by.

They were there 2 weeks. Would have taken the local chavs 3 months to create that amount of mess.

i live on my own PLOT of land..? 3 acres" the home i live in £65000 for it..? i drive a new range rover...cost £52000 ..i go 5 gorger men work for me... full time " i pay my tax" im a romany gipsy"...33 year old..?


most of you live in a council house..!!! and your dogs live in it with you..? and you,ve got the cheek to talk about enormous piles of shit..? when your cleaning dog shit off the carpet.. your kids!!! play on..? your just a jelous becouse you see young men driving nice new cars!! and your waitting for your GIRO..? becouse your a dosser who dont want to work and just lay about drinking and taking drugs..?


i have worked hard all my life to get were i am today!!! {WERE ARE YOU..?} the people who camped at the top of your road are NOT ROMANY people there {irish kackers} proper stinkers who give gipsy people a bad name!!! you get the same in the same on council astates...? you know the ones" there garden looks like a tip" with a big peace of wood nailed to the door were the police have beat it in looking for drug.!!

well said bushy

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