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Shouldnt have got out of bed

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Guest mickyrichardson
nothing worse when it happens sorry to hear keeps sure she's in good hands :victory:


Which vets ????

The expensive one Micky :cry:

take that as wilsons then well at least the dog got seeing to hope she etter soon MICKY ;)
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sorry to here that, had a bad one my self with my blak and tan saluk bitch she got hit with a lorry on a1 on a big ear was gutted as she was starting to do two and threes regulary and lamp catch bolters and flush roe was gutted cost me 5 oo quid and shees managed to start working time will tell ill get her out flushing wel see whats the damage , shees catching rabbs but not realy a test as its short runs and she controls her self a bit ,she was skiined from shoulder to knech meat and muscle hanging but no broken bone , a real sore one at the time if i had a gun good nite, but took her home ,no vains hust, muscle damage was guted as she was becoming lead dog on all sorts , shes working again ,just need to see, lucky i can get pup of her as shee has a good mouth like mother and wind like father , hope yours turns out fine i was well pissed of took years to bred my own dogs andd ten secs to knock me back

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just line my good colli line so fingers crossd more decent pups unreal, when they have sore ones , lost luke sol lana got run over with boy racer pins but still could run , now her daughter , m chapmas bob grand sire died over cliffs at scarbouruogh , d slieghts katei died of eating a corn on the cob core , feching dogs you breed good but they have to much balls, cant win sometimes, if you hunt and go any were ,at times got a dog here had six stitches in his life a swollen toe hees a good animal from apup and sensible runs to suit the land and switches off a real poaching dog just the way hees turned as he is a strong saluk type , but more like a strong greyhound but compact with massive feet , i just walk away now dont even get upset ,just think well more money, if i had gave my dogs out to trusted people, i do now i ,would probaly put to sleep, but beacause i dont entertain many have to keep them to breed of which is a bugger ,but im in it for the long hall , hope you dog makes a recovery as mine has so far cheers

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Blimey those rabbits cost a fair bit after all! Good pics anyhow and i hope nuala makes a full speedy recovery. ;)


They certainly did collie/grey :doh: expensive ferret food :cry::icon_redface:


Just an update, she is doing very well, had her out on a lead today, she's been enjoying all the extra attention she's been getting :)



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