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cover work

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Out yesterday with the dogs and the mates.Got to the first cover and let thr lads with the lurchers

go ahead and get into position about ten mins later put the hounds in. Put out 2 foxs lurcher lifted

one dealt with in no time .Second fox was coursed but thunder coursed the f**k out of him but could not get him

the fox made for a ditch with dog up his arse . Dog hits the wire and fox is gone .Second cover same thing again

let the lads get ready hounds in .The hounds straight on what a sound after about haif hour it was starting to

die down so a couple of the lads went in and found the hounds scattered marking three separte holes .Hounds up

terriers out dug the first one black fell terrier second with russell and the third with my choc bitch .The digs were light enough

ranging from 2 foot and 3 foot.

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Tell ya something Keith, keep this up and you will get good at it some day. :D:clapper::clapper:


Good days sport by the sound of it, how come when I go out with ye we get fook all :angry::angry:


i thought that was just me :( keith keeps the good covers for people he likes :icon_redface: i thought you loved me biglad :icon_eek:

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