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A better day.

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Well after last weeks pulaver, yesterday went quite well, just me and the dog out for a few hours.

I've only had this permission a few months and haven't really been over the whole lot, so decided to have a bit of a mooch round,

Let the dog have a wander and she ended up marking up a new bury, that i hadn't done before :thumbs:


Got netted up, put in the ferrets and within about 10seconds one in the net. :D

A minute or so later and another one met it's fate. The ferrets kept reapearing after that though, so moved on to another new bury that the dog was showing some interest in.


Wasn't so quick this one though, the ferrets were down for about half an hour, so out with the finder, got a mark at about 6ft :icon_eek: so i thought i'd give it a little bit longer, but the ferret was still there, damn. :thumbdown: started digging, got to about 4ft and the signal moved, :wallbash: next thing a well smashed rabbit flew into the net. closely followed by the fert :notworthy:


Had another 2 from the next bury, which was good as it was one i did only last week.


So 5 for the day, was good enough for a bit of ferret grub so packed up.


Got back to my van, and lo and behold there was no6 just 5yrds up from where i was parked, hit and run victim, but oviously not squashed. :victory:


Ahh, lifes good.



Edited by Halfinch
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It's murder when that happens, your somewhere near breaking through and they move. :thumbdown: Decent day out Halfinch, border looks a picture! :good: Try a shovel with a bit more angle on the blade, it's a lot easier to lift out the loose at that sort of depth. :thumbs:

Edited by Brimmer
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It's murder when that happens, your somewhere near breaking through and they move. :thumbdown: Decent day out Halfinch, border looks a picture! :good: Try a shovel with a bit more angle on the blade, it's a lot easier to lift out the loose at that sort of depth. :thumbs:



Thanks for the replies lads. :thumbs:


Brimmer, The shovel was an old one i had in he garage, my mate borrowed my motor and i left mine in there, :wallbash: but saying that i could do with one with a bit more angle on it, i hear bulldog ones are supposed to be good, i seem to remember that you mentioned you had one (maybe wrong) How do you rate them?

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It's murder when that happens, your somewhere near breaking through and they move. :thumbdown: Decent day out Halfinch, border looks a picture! :good: Try a shovel with a bit more angle on the blade, it's a lot easier to lift out the loose at that sort of depth. :thumbs:



Thanks for the replies lads. :thumbs:


Brimmer, The shovel was an old one i had in he garage, my mate borrowed my motor and i left mine in there, :wallbash: but saying that i could do with one with a bit more angle on it, i hear bulldog ones are supposed to be good, i seem to remember that you mentioned you had one (maybe wrong) How do you rate them?

The bulldog rabbit spades are great for shallow stuff, Maybee up to 2 and a half foot. Get any deeper and they don't have enough angle on them to lift the loose out, then you have to get your mitts in.

The bulldog roundmouth/bullnose spades are ideal for the deeper stuff, cut them down a little with a grinder and thats the perfect spade for everything. Seen a post on here somewhere the feller had bought a bulldog roundmouth with a fiberglass handle. I'll have one of those to break in soon, they should last forever! :thumbs:

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