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Out with Mr L this afternoon on some of my land that was always a banker for Deer but they seemed to disappear around September time last year but have been steadily coming back.


Saw a few last week and some fox so thought we would have a go today...I had the .243 and Mr L took his .308...about an hour into the shoot at around 15.15, we came to a gate...now, I know the deer like the far corner of this field about 225 yards away so I had a look and despite the fact I thought I saw something move I couldn't see any.


Over the gate and walking down the side of the field Mr L says there is a deer in the corner, quick scan and sure enough there was one, in the typical lying down position with head up...and looking straight at us. I got down prone on the bipod and although the field was flat I could only see the top of its body, head and neck..I was considering a head shot but conditions dictated the heart which meant the bullet virtually skimming the grass on the way! Range finder couldn't make its mind up if it was 174 or 175 yards!


F*** me..the 90g Softpoint hit like a sledge hammer, from a lying position the Roe was knocked right over with the impact to leave the exit wound upwards! Never seen a shot roll a deer over in this way before! And that is when we saw the other two Roe run like ****, straight through a nearby hedge!! Oh well, there is always next time.


The gralloch showed a pretty effectively destroyed heart so a good stop...although that was obvious the instant the bullet hit!


Took her back to my motor and went out again looking for the fox until it got dark, no sign, so............


Back to the motors to change guns and lamp up.........Mr L took the .243 and I took the .22WMR. Still no sign of Fox all night, so Mr L decided to knock down a few bunnies with the .243 and 75g ballistic tip ammo at £1.50 a time..it certainly works and all but one was blown to pieces, that one had no head left so came home with me..for my sins I just hit the one bunny with the magnum, very good condition, so two for the pot!


Cracking afternoon/evening and brilliant to spend some hours out without freezing our nuts off! :thumbs:

Edited by Deker
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I'm just going down the reloading route, so not rich enough to keep up with 243 for bunnies!


Tbh, I'd recently set the scope up, nice to check zero. I figure a rabbit's head at 100+ yards in a gusting crosswind will do :)


That 90gr SP really did knock the deer over, I've not seen anything like it!

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