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longnetting last night


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Decided to have a go at longnetting last night ,weather conditions were poor not very windy and light due to the moon but i couldnt resist going out.Only used the 50yrd quickset as i needed to travel light becuase i had a good half hour bike ride ,which was still very uncomfortable with the basket digging into my back.i stashed my bike behind a hedge on a country lane and walked into the field next to it where i saw plenty of rabbits already on the move.i dropepd the net out 4 times and only managed two rabbits,one which i could see not tangle up the first time he hit the net but but gave it another another try further up and was well caught.well it was two more than none and my first rabbits longnetting at night,i think i shall wait for better conditions before i have another go.all the best






good hunting



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Well done .........we all have to start somewhere.........that takes me back to my youth when i used to bike miles and hide the bike in the hedge bottom.........then walk across a few fields and get a couple of drops on a private estate. Often i had a blank trip..........but every trip was worth it because you learned so much fieldcraft and many things i learned back then have stood me in good stead to this day. There is no short cut to experience.......so keep at it.


Rolfe. ;)

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ellir i think the quickset i have cost me £120 from jbsnets mate and the hat i got a few year back now probabley from a dog show but im after one the gamekeeper sort dont know what there called .

Rolfe i have two 50yrd 4z traditional long nets im going to start using ,will probabley make things abit easier when travelling that distance when im on my bike.yes tomo your right i will pick better conditions next time if i dont decide to take dog out instead lol.yes mate i can see it being addictive.all the best


good hunting



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thanks ferret110 ,thats them tomo my dad saw one for a pound but didnt get it me :( but im gonna look the business wearing one of those lol abit different from the rude boi hats i normally wear but myt get a trend going rocking a deerstalker nearly look as chavy as that burbery wax of yours lol.well dads out tonight lamping,i have had to stay in because my stupid leg but wind is up so he could have a decent night.


good hunting



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thanks ferret110 ,thats them tomo my dad saw one for a pound but didnt get it me :( but im gonna look the business wearing one of those lol abit different from the rude boi hats i normally wear but myt get a trend going rocking a deerstalker nearly look as chavy as that burbery wax of yours lol.well dads out tonight lamping,i have had to stay in because my stupid leg but wind is up so he could have a decent night.


good hunting




that net is pretty steep but it seems to be about the price for a ready made longet system coud you take a few pics of the basket so i could make one



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youre going to the barn too look for beavers mate, was round the day but you were still on the nest, pidgoens every were last nite, must have lamped thirty woodies and they never moved ,even with the dogs thrashing the cover chaseing things out the woods ,got a few rabbs but was to lite for bigger and better things , cheers, winds away again died abit today scruchy

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youre going to the barn too look for beavers mate, was round the day but you were still on the nest, pidgoens every were last nite, must have lamped thirty woodies and they never moved ,even with the dogs thrashing the cover chaseing things out the woods ,got a few rabbs but was to lite for bigger and better things , cheers, winds away again died abit today scruchy

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youre going to the barn too look for beavers mate, was round the day but you were still on the nest, pidgoens every were last nite, must have lamped thirty woodies and they never moved ,even with the dogs thrashing the cover chaseing things out the woods ,got a few rabbs but was to lite for bigger and better things , cheers, winds away again died abit today scruchy

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