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hi i had a lurcher given to me resently i took it out for the first time last night sliped it twice on the second slip he came back to me with his back arched like a cat legs going every where falling over twiching lasted for about 3mins then he was back to normal any idears to what might be causing this or what it coul be thanks

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Is it at full fitness? What have you been doing to get it to full fitness? There is a good post written by mistwalker, ill see if i can find it for you and post it on here. cramp/stitch and exhaustion could be the problem but as above i would go to the vets if your not 100% sure.

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  labsnlurchers said:
Is it at full fitness? What have you been doing to get it to full fitness? There is a good post written by mistwalker, ill see if i can find it for you and post it on here. cramp/stitch and exhaustion could be the problem but as above i would go to the vets if your not 100% sure.

havent had him that long been tould he used to go for a mile road walk every day i feed him on acomplet working dry food with tryp and left overs dont know much about him yet thanks for you help

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  monge said:
  labsnlurchers said:
Is it at full fitness? What have you been doing to get it to full fitness? There is a good post written by mistwalker, ill see if i can find it for you and post it on here. cramp/stitch and exhaustion could be the problem but as above i would go to the vets if your not 100% sure.

havent had him that long been tould he used to go for a mile road walk every day i feed him on acomplet working dry food with tryp and left overs dont know much about him yet thanks for you help


Have a look at the post by mistwalker, ive put the link up in my previous post. That should give you a bit of an idea on getting him fit for running because walking wont get his muscles trained for running, he needs to do some sprinting as well as roadwalking once hes had the all clear from the vet.

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