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hitting your dog!

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  undisputed said:
  Hannah4181 said:
I grew up in Kent and there was, shall we say a very "rough" housing estate, with lots of "rough" people in it! Locally they were referred to as "pykies". They were not "pykies" of the traveling variety.


The Driving test centre was at one end of the estate, you had to drive through a warren of small roads to get into town. It was, whilst stopping to parallel park that the incident occured, i got out and confronted the man who was beating the dog, if i say i had to step over a washing machine and burnt out motorbike to get to him, you get the picture! He just gave me a load of abuse and went inside with the dogs.


I'm really not a violent or confrontational person, however this made me see red, then to top it off i failed my test for it! The parallel park was spot on as well! :good:



Its using terms like "pykies" that start arguements why not refer to him as a twat......are you a snob? maybe they should bulldoze the "rough housing estate" and deport all these "rough" people out of your area that way you wont be so easily offended :whistling:



Perhaps my terminology wasn't as PC as it could have been, sorry if anyone was offended. In my eyes wether your from a "rough housing estate" or "country manor house" if you beat your dog with a stick, your scum.

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NEVER hit a pup whilst training there never should be a need to smack a pup why a tap on the nose for toilet training ? Most of the time it is that the owner is either to idle to take the pup out when it wakes up / after play and spend time with the pup in the area that you have picked out for toilet training rather than just put the pup out the back door and say to it get a pee/shit. time and patience is goes a long way Just my opinion.

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  oneredtrim said:
  dustyfox said:
I would never use weapons like a stick against my dog nor will i kick him, I wont punch him. I will just give him a light slap under the chin. It doesnt hurt him, its just a reminder to him that its not play time.


I always thought all training of dogs was playtime.


I thought all training with dogs must be fun, but you got to draw the line somewhere.

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i think it depends on what the owner uses the dog for, like it seems that people with gun dogs tend to boot the f**k out of there dog it is doesnt do what its told (i no not all gun people are like this). i think it tend to be a male macho thing. my lurcher doenst need to be hit i just need to raise my voice and it nos its done wrong. were as nothing works for my staffy so ive just giving up on her lol

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  dogman89 said:

i think it depends on what the owner uses the dog for, like it seems that people with gun dogs tend to boot the f**k out of there dog it is doesnt do what its told (i no not all gun people are like this). i think it tend to be a male macho thing. my lurcher doenst need to be hit i just need to raise my voice and it nos its done wrong. were as nothing works for my staffy so ive just giving up on her lol




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