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if not tried pheasnat before just hang up for couple o days tops then pluck.


for cooking take small amount butter in yer hand ( bit messy this but worth it ) and rub all over inside cavity of the bird then season wi salt n pepper and or what ever other herb you want ...just use small bottle o dried mixed herbs fae super market


take small amount o butter again and rub all over the skin and legs then season again... wi salt pepper and mixed herbs ...then drizzle small amount o runny honey over and rub all over.


par boil for 6 minutes some carrots and potatoes


cut up an onion and leek into small pieces and layer over bottom o casserole dish then put in yer potatoes and carrots....rub little bit o olive oil other tatties and some salt

put pheasant on top o veg and pour small omount o water in into bottom of dish


pre-heat oven to 190C then put casserole dish into top of oven uncovered for 45 minutes.


plate up phesasant with roast tatties and veg use juices mixed with water for gravy , thicken with bisto if you want


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bloody tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

put some garlic sausage or half orange or apple or whatever you want into cavity of the pheasnat!!!....experiment!!!



Edited by sauer
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I dont usually hang them, just cook straight away or de-breast them if ive got plenty, then freeze the breast. I shot a couple on the first shoot of the season and hung them for 2 weeks. They were covered in maggots and smelt awful so ended up as ferret food :angry: I wont be hanging again!

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