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Help on changing to meat from dry

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Right,been talking to someone on here,and reading some things and ive decided im going to try my 2 lurchers on meat rather than dry complete.


What im planning to do is get a supply of raw and introduce it to the dogs over a couple of weeks,eventually getting them off a dry complete altogether.


What am i looking for in a raw meat/feed? Do i get a mixture of minced meats/tripe? Or do i get one type and keep them on that? Any suggestions?


I understand that i may have to worm them more,thats not a problem.


What i dont want to have to do is to start fannying about mixing stuff into their bait,supplements of this and that.

Im a single bloke,i work long hard hours and i hardly get time to get out hunting never mind start becoming a doggy chef :wallbash:


Ive got a chest freezer specifically for the dogs food and im planning on filling that with whatever?


Also can anyone recommend any suppliers in the northest area where i can go and pick up the food,preferably on a weekend,or who makes deliveries,again preferably on a weekend?


All comments and suggestions welcome and gratefully received,

Thank you,ladies and gents :clapper::clapper::victory:

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we get our meat from either the supermarket (frozen chicken), pet stores sell the tripe or mixed frozen meats like rabbit or beef. Of course you can feed rabbits that you catch. I would watch them the first time you feed the meat. Ours tried to eat the rabbit whole rather than chewing. It was like watching a snake eat a rat!! We had to hold onto the rabbit to encourage him to chew. It took about a week till he got the hang of it. I mix veg into the meat every other day. THings like carrot, swede, cauliflower etc. Just stick it through the blender first. You can make it in bulk and freeze it. Your dogs will but much better on a meat diet.

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we get our meat from either the supermarket (frozen chicken), pet stores sell the tripe or mixed frozen meats like rabbit or beef. Of course you can feed rabbits that you catch. I would watch them the first time you feed the meat. Ours tried to eat the rabbit whole rather than chewing. It was like watching a snake eat a rat!! We had to hold onto the rabbit to encourage him to chew. It took about a week till he got the hang of it. I mix veg into the meat every other day. THings like carrot, swede, cauliflower etc. Just stick it through the blender first. You can make it in bulk and freeze it. Your dogs will but much better on a meat diet.

we use theseprizechoice and they deliver uk wide....its good stuff ;)

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Right,ive managed to find a local supplier of frozen raw 'green tripe' and frozen raw chicken mince,ive also managed to find a place in sunderland,which aint too far from me,where i can go in and pick stuff up. The fella i spoke to says,'we do the lot mate'. so im goin up there on monday morning to check out his 'cheaper than your pet shop' prices.

Just one moan,someone could of told me how much the tripe stinks :blink::clapper::clapper:


On the positive side,when i came in the door and up the stairs of me flat the dogs went mental,sticking their noses in the bags and jumping all over me :D A good sign methinks?

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If you have a farm shop nearby ask them nicely if you can raid their "bone bin". They will have to pay to have it taken away and as long as it is kept fridged- which I think they have to be- then you can pick up an awful lot of great stuff. We go after their butchery day and fill bin bags with stuff...and then bag it up in portion size. We get steaks, mince, ribs, necks, trotters and all sorts of other stuff that they cannot sell over the counter.

Might not be everyones cup of tea, but it is free... our dogs get so excited when the bags appear as they know there is a huge bone in there for them while we sort out and bag it all up!


We also have used this company when our girl needed to go on an exclusion diet...they were really helpful and they made sure the mince was pure chicken without offal etc. http://www.back-2-nature.co.uk/

Edited by little nell
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Just an update on the situation.

Both dogs are now on raw minced chicken and tripe on alternate days. Im still putting a little bit complete in with this,but its only to use it up,once its gone i wont be buying anymore.

There has been a couple of 'chucking up' incidents off the younger dog,but hes settled down now and both dogs now eat all their food in one go rather than picking at their dry stuff,lol.

The smell of the tripe is a bit off putting,but once its been eaten the smell goes. The dogs shits are smaller and well formed and as expected the dogs are drinking a lot less water. Im pleased with the water situation as there has been a couple of 'accidents' in the house when ive been at work,this hasnt happened at all in the past week or so ive had them on raw stuff.

Im off to a place in sunderland today to pick up some more raw stuff and get a wider choice of food,bones and ive even been told sheeps heads,mmmmmmmmmmm. lol. The dogs are loving it,and if theyre happier then its got to be a good thing.

Havent noticed any weight gain or loss,or improvement or deterioation in their condition and im keeping an eye on them to make sure their getting enough grub.

I havent been out hunting with them yet so theyve had an easy week of it so far,obviously if i increase their work i will see wether they need an increase in food.

thanks to all who have helped on the thread and also in pm,your comments and opinions are appreciated, :victory:

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One tip, dont mix complete foods with raw - it digests at different rates and can cause gut problems,

ive just put my old girl on raw, as shes had problems with complete foods, i just switched her stright over,

but shes had raw food before as a treat (something different to the norm) and is used to eating raw bones regulary.


Can I feed kibble AND BARF?


Yes you can, but seriously, why? OK, I know change can be difficult, so please allow me to explain. Kibble and raw food are digested differently, and should NEVER be fed together, in the same meal. If you feed dry kibble at the same meal as the raw meat, you are increasing the amount of time the food is in the body, and increasing the possibility of illness from microbes. So, if you want to feed half & half, feed kibble one meal, raw the next. Your dog will probably be the one who will let you know, before you do, that BARF is IN and kibble is OUT! :>) But, if you really feel the need to feed kibble (alone or in addition to BARF) or just haven't made up your mind to switch completely to BARF, you may seriously consider a super premium all natural, holistic dog and/or cat food, such as Life's Abundance, which contains all natural and human-grade ingredients, including digestive enzymes/probiotics and grape seed extract (antioxidant)....and NO Corn, No Wheat and No Dairy, formulated by Dr. Jane Bicks, nationally recognized holistic veterinarian.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my supplies of frozen raw.

20 minced beef,20 minced chicken,20 minced tripe, all raw stuff, £21


Wanted some bones and sheeps heads but they had none in so i'll try next time for them.


One thing ive noticed is the dogs seem more responsive? Like on recall they seem to come back quicker? Would their diet affect this in anyway or are they just finally getting the message? Cant see there would be any connection there myself but im open to suggestions?

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Guest mickyrichardson

If your anywhere near BOLAMS BUTCHERS IN SEDGEFIELD MATE go to the counter and ask for meat off cuts for the dogs mate they will sort you out and 20 kg of frozen tripe is a tenner its a top place :victory:

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