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what a day...bitch entered

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well wel well, what a day...4 foxes!!! First place me and john tried was a small 5 hole place which his bitch marked so we collared her up and let her in and after literally 5 mins a nice big fox bolted out of an unseen hole and was off like a rocket. Netted this hole up and the russell showed and was keen to get back so we pulled her out and let my bitch go. She flew to ground and was soon baying. We left it a good half hour and i was just about to start searching when we heard loads of thumping and moving and a noce dog fox bolted out the same hole with my bitch hot on its hells. I was absolutly made up! The fox was dispatched, but not before latching hold of johns thumb. Sure was lively. 2 from the first earth, what more can you ask for.


Next place was a small artificial put in by the hunt, which my bitch couldnt fit past the bloody entrance they had made at the front of it, so in went the russell again and after 2 mins of baying out flew another nice dog fox which johns whippetXrussell was on in a flash whislt it was in the net! Dispatched and moved on.


Last do was an old set in a hedge, bloody huge thing. Russell went in collared and was baying very quickly. Left it half hour and got a mark of 0.9. Now wishing i chukced bear in! Anywhos the dog started showing at the hole and messing about so we thought she was messing about with fresh scent or it was otherwise occupied....Anywhos we walked off and the russell slipped its lead and headed straight back with no collar! Found it the old fashioned way and opened up at about 1 metre. She had taken a bit of a battering. Perfect chance for bear to have a look, collared her up and she flew in and found mr fox, and had a nice sparring match, not being daft but short bursts then sit back baying, but did lock jaws a few times but didnt just pile into the fox. Fox dispatched and backfilled and home for tea and crumpets.


All in all a bloody fantasic day by anyones standars, and im very confindent bear will come good now, done her the world of good!! Photos to follow!!

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