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if you were in charge

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Pehaps we could wipe out lurchers as they are not pure blooded either.....then we could *** rubber as thats indian.......gunpowder and antbiotics as well they were invented by foreigners....I would be intrested to know how many of you right wingers are social parasites on benefits leeching off the hard working people of this country.

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Pehaps we could wipe out lurchers as they are not pure blooded either.....then we could *** rubber as thats indian.......gunpowder and antbiotics as well they were invented by foreigners....I would be intrested to know how many of you right wingers are social parasites on benefits leeching off the hard working people of this country.



I give my taxes straight to the lazy doll blagger next door....... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Pehaps we could wipe out lurchers as they are not pure blooded either.....then we could *** rubber as thats indian.......gunpowder and antbiotics as well they were invented by foreigners....I would be intrested to know how many of you right wingers are social parasites on benefits leeching off the hard working people of this country.


I for one would rather a right wing social parasite on benefit who is of British origin was doing it rather than some foreign parasite with five wives and dozens of kids who only want to be British for these BENEFITS but when the chips are down they want f***all to do with us.It's about time people opened their eyes instead of walking around with blinkers on,this once great country is going downhill and downhill fast.St George's day tomorrow 23rd April,fly the flag and be proud to do it,don't be a sheep and follow the flock for the one leading the flock is walking around with a blindfold never mind blinkers.Cheers Andy. :good:

well said :good:

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if you was in charge of this country how would you run it . ie law and order etc!

go communist and declare war on bushs monkey faced assehole



communisim dont work

Neither does religion Chilli, but theres a huge bunch of crazy people who are keen on that aswell :laugh:

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i would blow the whole planet up and start again :laugh:

maybe make women with no ability to speak

everyone should be black then there would be no racism and no one would get sunburn

*** money £$e, everything should be free and no one should have to pay for anything,

everyone has to build their own mud hut in the woods and hunt for their own dinner none of this suprmarket crap or fast food junk

oh and finally, tony blair should be drowned in a giant bucket of rancid fish :laugh:


Border line anarchy.God save the queen.

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