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well well well what the f**k

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  donnie1 said:
i was a full screw, im out noo

an what world are you on?


an officer earns a lot more than an nco


an like i said if earlier, amd you should already know,

theres lots of things our armed services are doing wrong

an the guys that do the hard work( the nco's) know all about it, an how things should be done


you try telling that tae your brigadeer or some daft fecking politican

after all its there orders we follow...


its the army for fecks sake,

if your told that 40 recruits must pass out of a 40 recruit platoon


what can you do....


that just proves my point! you didnt even talk to your officer. if you knew him you would know that a second lieu gets paid a little bit less than a cpl (you) on the higher pay band and if im correct infantry soldiers are on the higher band. your plt oc has the word on weather said soldier passes out its your job to tell him said soldier is not good enough. afterall your the one with them all day not the OC. if he doesnt listen than thats a BAD OC.

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  donnie1 said:
redeye jedi,

i have only recently stopped training recruits for the infantry,

an our army is getting worse everyday


we are accepting everybody an anybody tae make up numbers

an even lying about those that fail key taest tae make sure we have enough passing out


an then we aint allowed tae treat them the way soldiers were treated 20 years ago

in order tae weed out the weak links..


we did have the best army in the world

but its slowly but surely getting worse with each an every platoon that gets passed out



Xactly why my mate left after years of service because new recruits wouldnt do there drills propperly and the higher ranks/officers couldnt give two fucks. The world is all about money these days not dicaplin and honor!

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Have to agree with donnie on this.


Army is now a joke. Theres cases up here at ITC where the instructor will tell a Fijian to do something, the Fijian then looks at is village chief (or son of chief) for approval before doing it!


WTF is all that about.


THEN, when you give them a wronging for doing something stupid YOU get accused of being RACIST!!!


Absolute joke.

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  redeye jedi said:
tell you what spider piggy, im in the army and it takes all sorts, but you have no idea what those men are like on the battle field, he might not like gutting a grouse but i bet a pound to a pinch of shit if you had a towel on your head and met him in afgan he'd pull your head through your fookin arse before you could blink!!!!!!!!! THATS WHATS DEFENDING OUR COUNTRY MATE!!!!!!!! we have the best trained soldiers on the planet. FACT. the only thing that other nations have over us is equipment.


agree best soldier in world and get treated like shite fae goverment

  spiderpig said:
just seemed odd he was so squeamish about feathers and meat/bones ect very odd

some of the hardest men ave ever seen wolud kill a human with out batting an eye ask them kill and clean a little animal and they cry like a baby fact one mans food other mans poisin


  DDD said:
Have to agree with donnie on this.


Army is now a joke. Theres cases up here at ITC where the instructor will tell a Fijian to do something, the Fijian then looks at is village chief (or son of chief) for approval before doing it!


WTF is all that about.


THEN, when you give them a wronging for doing something stupid YOU get accused of being RACIST!!!


Absolute joke.

dont blame gurkurs for looking at there chief they get used and abused by the armed forces do there time then we as a country deport them like they are a piece of shite and before youse start on me get it right up yees com on the troops 7 para r h a

Edited by polecat
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If the marine saw someone with a towel on his head he'd have to rip his head out through his arse, cos he sure as hell wouldn't have hit them with a gun, he was a f*****g joke!!!!!

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i just want to give that blonde lassie a good shake saying she finds going shopping in vivion west wood more fun........no wonder people find it wierd when they here of women that hunt when you have dipsticks like her aimlessly wondering about on this planet

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  donnie1 said:
redeye jedi,

i have only recently stopped training recruits for the infantry,

an our army is getting worse everyday


we are accepting everybody an anybody tae make up numbers

an even lying about those that fail key taest tae make sure we have enough passing out


an then we aint allowed tae treat them the way soldiers were treated 20 years ago

in order tae weed out the weak links..


we did have the best army in the world

but its slowly but surely getting worse with each an every platoon that gets passed out




I left the RAF in '96 for precisely that reason, I did 14 years and was working with new recruits and the dross that was coming through was unbelieveable. I was always a staunch 22 year man, but seeing what was happening made me not want to be in the Air Force of tomorrow.



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i'm a recruit instructor now, it is my current job. It is very hard to not pass a recruit out, if a recruit (now called a SUT soldier under training) is not found acceptable by me the JNCO i have to then goto my sqn 2ic and justify this, then he goes to the oc and try and justify this. 9 times out of ten, we get the swish fook off, telling us to put more of are own time into training them. It is not that easy to fail some one nowadays.


You take the piss out of the marine, i know fo a few squaddies who wouldnt batter a eyelid if he had to kill a enemy soldier, he is trainned for many a month to kill this person, this is training, but some will not kill a animal. my mate's words are why should i kill something defenceless, a iraqi has a gun, a iraqi has the means to kill me, but a rabbit, wtf is it gona do chew my toes off.


Army is not the same, as when i joined a good few years ago. and i agree it is starting to go down hill, if the power was giving back to us jnco's to sort them out and kick the weeker people out then it will be great again. but with current deployment it is a numbers game.

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our army is still the best in the world, im not having that a few shitty recruits have changed my army that much. its usuallly the wankers that leave after 4 years service anyway. we dont need people that want to sign off as soon as their time bar is over they are a liability! yes we are over stretched with current op tours, you find another army with our numbers that can sustain such demands and still perform as we do on a daily basis.

id like to see you stand infront of a copule of paras thats just come off tour and tell them they aint the best. the job our boys do out there is second to NONE. FACT.

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