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well well well what the f**k

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our army is still the best in the world, im not having that a few shitty recruits have changed my army that much. its usuallly the wankers that leave after 4 years service anyway. we dont need people that want to sign off as soon as their time bar is over they are a liability! yes we are over stretched with current op tours, you find another army with our numbers that can sustain such demands and still perform as we do on a daily basis.

id like to see you stand infront of a copule of paras thats just come off tour and tell them they aint the best. the job our boys do out there is second to NONE. FACT.

you get my words wrong we are still the most profesional army in the world, and the soldiers are amongst the best in the world. But if you ask them para's how much the training has changed in the last ten years. i bet the stndard is not the same.


it is not the standard of some, its the majority, the playstation era, alot of kids today are not mentally and physicaly tough as the kids of before.

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4 years at an ATR! id like to think i do mate. anyway im not arguing any more chief. and yes he was a wimp for turning his nose up on tv and he deserves the shit his muckers are probably giving him right now. doesnt mean that he a shit soldier though tracey. :)

being married to them for years redeye know who i would be able to rely on, seen hundreds pass through the corps :D being married to a marine for 23 years who did 21 years service, last few years as a chief instructor/ colour sgt and watching him shake his head and rolling his eyes at the programme stating "i wouldn't have passed him on the survival course for that....weak attitudes are diluting the corps credibility and reputation.....he would let you die" if he couldn't take an order to kill a bunny...a small order.......what other orders will he refuse to carryout? and thats just a rabbits life what would he do faced with a person? wouldn't trust him to watch my back (b**ger my hubby would kill me if he was given the order to, or is that because he hates me?)

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Lil while ago i saw something along this lines, the newbie was given a phesant to prepare and when he cut the crop he saw all the corn presumed they was maggots (how you can do that i dont know) and threw the lot away. Crazy. Hopefully their wont be anyone like that when i finally sign up,

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Lil while ago i saw something along this lines, the newbie was given a phesant to prepare and when he cut the crop he saw all the corn presumed they was maggots (how you can do that i dont know) and threw the lot away. Crazy. Hopefully their wont be anyone like that when i finally sign up,



That was when ray mears went along with them, it was on yesterday actually............

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all these people quiting the armed forces cause of the dross coming through????? THATS THE BIGGEST LOAD OF BOLLOCKS IVE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE. ive just shown this to the guys i work with and they all agree your talking shit.




Would you and all your guys want him as part of your team?????

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do agree fraggle with you that we do have the best in the world, but way things are going some time down the line (and Im talking WAY down the line)we will end up with regiments full of conscientious objectors and squaddies who don't know the meaning of respect and discipline.

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dont think anyone is slagging of the armed forced.They are just stating a fact that it has changed and not for the better as far as i can gather,but hey its like everything else.The world has changed nothing is as it was.They call it progress that in itself is a joke.I often wish i was back being a young nipper again lol

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i'm a recruit instructor now, it is my current job. It is very hard to not pass a recruit out, if a recruit (now called a SUT soldier under training) is not found acceptable by me the JNCO i have to then goto my sqn 2ic and justify this, then he goes to the oc and try and justify this. 9 times out of ten, we get the swish fook off, telling us to put more of are own time into training them. It is not that easy to fail some one nowadays.


You take the piss out of the marine, i know fo a few squaddies who wouldnt batter a eyelid if he had to kill a enemy soldier, he is trainned for many a month to kill this person, this is training, but some will not kill a animal. my mate's words are why should i kill something defenceless, a iraqi has a gun, a iraqi has the means to kill me, but a rabbit, wtf is it gona do chew my toes off.


Army is not the same, as when i joined a good few years ago. and i agree it is starting to go down hill, if the power was giving back to us jnco's to sort them out and kick the weeker people out then it will be great again. but with current deployment it is a numbers game.


All the forces are short of manpower so a descesion rightly or wrongly has been made to lower the bar during basic trg.The assumption that when they reach there designated Regiments they will be brought up to speed there,sadly I dont think it will work.

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i'm a recruit instructor now, it is my current job. It is very hard to not pass a recruit out, if a recruit (now called a SUT soldier under training) is not found acceptable by me the JNCO i have to then goto my sqn 2ic and justify this, then he goes to the oc and try and justify this. 9 times out of ten, we get the swish fook off, telling us to put more of are own time into training them. It is not that easy to fail some one nowadays.


You take the piss out of the marine, i know fo a few squaddies who wouldnt batter a eyelid if he had to kill a enemy soldier, he is trainned for many a month to kill this person, this is training, but some will not kill a animal. my mate's words are why should i kill something defenceless, a iraqi has a gun, a iraqi has the means to kill me, but a rabbit, wtf is it gona do chew my toes off.


Army is not the same, as when i joined a good few years ago. and i agree it is starting to go down hill, if the power was giving back to us jnco's to sort them out and kick the weeker people out then it will be great again. but with current deployment it is a numbers game.


All the forces are short of manpower so a descesion rightly or wrongly has been made to lower the bar during basic trg.The assumption that when they reach there designated Regiments they will be brought up to speed there,sadly I dont think it will work.


so true, we had a lad a few months ago before i started my new job, could not pass a pft, (personal fitness test) ran a 1.5 mile run in 17 mins, YES 17 fricking mins, it was up to us pti's to get him fit, thing is he was 17 yr old thin etc etc, found out it was not his fitness just his attitude of could not give a fook. but now he is in his 4 yr contract and we had to work hard to have him kicked out, at the mo i am pulling my hair out trying to keep the good recruits and binning the shit, its very hard to do. any ways i have started drinking stella so will not do any replies now till sober.

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i'm a recruit instructor now, it is my current job. It is very hard to not pass a recruit out, if a recruit (now called a SUT soldier under training) is not found acceptable by me the JNCO i have to then goto my sqn 2ic and justify this, then he goes to the oc and try and justify this. 9 times out of ten, we get the swish fook off, telling us to put more of are own time into training them. It is not that easy to fail some one nowadays.


You take the piss out of the marine, i know fo a few squaddies who wouldnt batter a eyelid if he had to kill a enemy soldier, he is trainned for many a month to kill this person, this is training, but some will not kill a animal. my mate's words are why should i kill something defenceless, a iraqi has a gun, a iraqi has the means to kill me, but a rabbit, wtf is it gona do chew my toes off.


Army is not the same, as when i joined a good few years ago. and i agree it is starting to go down hill, if the power was giving back to us jnco's to sort them out and kick the weeker people out then it will be great again. but with current deployment it is a numbers game.


All the forces are short of manpower so a descesion rightly or wrongly has been made to lower the bar during basic trg.The assumption that when they reach there designated Regiments they will be brought up to speed there,sadly I dont think it will work.


so true, we had a lad a few months ago before i started my new job, could not pass a pft, (personal fitness test) ran a 1.5 mile run in 17 mins, YES 17 fricking mins, it was up to us pti's to get him fit, thing is he was 17 yr old thin etc etc, found out it was not his fitness just his attitude of could not give a fook. but now he is in his 4 yr contract and we had to work hard to have him kicked out, at the mo i am pulling my hair out trying to keep the good recruits and binning the shit, its very hard to do. any ways i have started drinking stella so will not do any replies now till sober.


oops my bad, sorry to say, he actualy past his test and now in afghan, do apoligise but yeah he is still a fricking waste of space.

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cant belive the banter on this one. people just aint hungrey enough propaly had a belly full of mars bars .i heard the army lads that go on these three day training missions have food hidden in places for them by the public the hunting desire aint gonna be there when you no two mile up the road thiers a nice bag of shopping.

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Me old fella was a para,served in the middle east and various other places. He always said the regiment made him the person he was. He was only a skinny little fella,hard as nails though. Used to take the piss out of the lads who came home on leave and got pissed up using the excuse of stress relief, :clapper:

He wears different wings these days,god rest his soul.

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