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embarrassing moments

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  dai dogs said:
wev all had embarrassing moments but wil you tell one. heres one of mine. years ago my girlfriend and myself were walking home from a night out. feeling a bit horny we decided to go down a dark blockend. a few minuites later as i was locked on a light appeared two police officers. put me right off my vinegar stroke.

thats nowere near as bad as what happened to me and my old boyfriend, we decided to pull over as we were bored and tilted the seats back to have a sleep and a bit chat(nothing kinky) there was only anouther van up this lane, heres the good bit,the man in the van first got out and asked us where someone was so we told him and he went back and sat in his van, about 10 minutes later he came over and said "me and the wife and anouther couple had a great time down here last week" i was inocently going to ask him where he stayed thinking he had came on a holiday but then he procceeded to say "if you get what i mean" and then winked then proceeded to say "fancie it now"....i then pissed myself laughing when i clicked on and my boyfriend(now x) managed to keep a straight face and said somthing like "maybe anouther time" and swiftly drove off he was like 50 year old....IT WAS A BLOODY DOGGING LANE :laugh:


anyway my x text me last night saying i saw mr dogger when i went to the burger van, he asked how i was and said i was a nice lass and if we had been "up the lane" latley...im pissing myself laughing just thinking about it




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I have a few embaressing moments, most of which i dont want to relive :icon_redface: But heres 2 of them


I lived in a council flat ad my boyfreind came round for the night, had a shower a bit of hanky panky and the sink came off the wall :icon_redface: I had to ring the council repair man the next day to come and fix it. 'How the hell did you do that?' he asked with big smirk on his face, i said ermm my little boy was swinging on it! he knew i was lying as my lad was only about 18 months old and was a lttle dot! :icon_redface: I'm still with him 7 years on so the embarresment was worth it! lol!


Another one was at the heart of wales game fair. They were doing the lure racing and our little beddy bitch was entered. I held the other dogs and stood half way up the track to see her run and my partner took her down to the start. The lure came past us at a rate of knotts and all the dog i was holding went off in pursuit with me in tow :icon_redface: Flat on my face dragged through the dirt and the jeans i had on started to come down as they dragged me! luckily they stopped before it was too embarresing and my beloved stood there pissing hiself and left alan who organises the show to help me up. When ever i hold the dogs now i always hold onto something anchored like a fence post or a gate!

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was showing off infront of a few girls on my mountainbike and ended up eating pavement, best thing to do is laugh with them i find :haha:


trying to chat up a few girls once and my mate pulled my shorts and my boxers down to the ground :icon_redface:


got VERY pissed a couple of months back and ended up dancing with a load of old women to jom jones and ub40 :boogy: bit of a dodgy thing for a 16 year old to do :secret:

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  Selwyn Froggit said:
  wink hound said:
i once caught shay and wilf in bed together......i have photo evidence too, farily embarssing for all parties. :tongue2:

Is it true they could have had seperate beds/rooms if they'd wanted?? :whistling::icon_eek:



correct my man..... 2 seperate doubles bed in a warm house, and they chose to sleep together..... you do the maths.

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many years back i spent some time with the bar maid in the pub where i was at college then i landed a new job and i lived in i was invited to the bosses house for tea as i walked in i was introduced to everyone including his daughter in law who worked in the pub i never said anything nor did she not then anyway

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i no! i had to teach my boy mate how to put it on lol i do his make-up for him when he ask's i call him a puff lol


Around my way you can say were anti's but anyone our age wearing make up can expect at least alot of hassel but more than likely a kick in :icon_redface: .....me...i wish their was more gays around and that it was more acceptd so theyd come out and i could get my leg over more :clapper:

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:hmm:one of loads for me has to be during the Falklands conflict. I was on a military base and every lunchtime I'd go for a run within the base. One day I was running along and in the distance I could see two occifers stood alongside a missile, not unusual but at the time I think we were on about DEF CON "off the feckin richter scale".........................................I didn't get to finish the run but certainly got escorted back :icon_redface::laugh:
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