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Due to popular demand, SPEEDOS, but this is the last time

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  mad al said:
He's obviously spotted you in your speedos mate....lmao your a braver man than me


The story behind the Speedos :laugh:


Cast ya mind back to the days before the politically correct morons took over the world, well I guess I was about 35 to 40 years old at the time and seriously into sport. The start of the Neath Duathlon, walking across to the start line, a mate of mine was one of the organisers and was at the start, now as I walked across, stomach churning at the thought of what was ahead, I saw what actually was in front of me, a couple in grey/pink Speedo kit, the one with the cropped top and the cozzie like in the pic :icon_eek: , it then dawned on me :icon_eek: , the couple were in fact a pair of feckin shirt lifters :sick: :sick: :sick: :nono: :nono: .

So, without further ado, I attracted my mates attention and pointed at the "odd couple" :laugh: and that was that. or at least I thought it was :laugh: , 5km run/20 mile cycle/5km run later and I'd won a prize :thumbs: ........................yep :yes:the Speedos, thanks to my mate who'd made sure they came my way :laugh:

So why the pix at least 10 years later?, well a few of us on another site were larkin about, you know the male bonding/piss taking/winding up stuff, with one tryin to outdo the other with the most embarassin/piss takin stories, so I uploaded the pics :sick: , was funny at the time and to be honest still is when I think that I had a 29" waist when I won them and a 34" in the pix :laugh::laugh:


Of coarse this all happened when folk could say what they liked and have a laugh :yes::laugh::drink:



Aye we live in strange times now.....made me smile mate :clapper:

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