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bull cross racists

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  bezza said:
I've never heard of a collie, deerhound or bedlington type dog ripping a child to pieces. However children being attacked, sometimes fatally by bull types are all too common.

all dog attack not just bull so stop being rasist to bulls. police use german shepards to attack people just to name one other breed that was breed to guard by attacking. there is a load of dogs breed to do this & if leaft when doing that there dreed for whould kill a child. the reason you dont heard about the other dog breeds attacking people in the news is becouse all bull breeds can be classed as apbt type witch are banned witch make a better storry becouse it has two evils half the dogs you read about arnt even apbt just any breed with a bit of bull in them. you cant allway beleave what you read in a paper. what whould you rather read

(loacal collie attacks kid & he needed stickes after attack) or

(an elegull baned breed apbt brutaly atatcks child ripping flesh from his arm leaving the child in shock & in need of stitches from a seriuse wound)

same thing just makes a better story are you so gullable please tell me no. if you belive every thing what you read all hunter are neanderfalls that belong in the stone age becouse we all go & catch animal & even sometime butcher them & eat them when we could just go to the shop & buy food. that is the sort of rubbish you read in pappers these days. :blink: :yes:ps this thead should say rasisime against diffrent breeds becouse people dont just moan about bullxs they do it about all xs of lurcher & cant just leave people to deside what dog suits them. maybe most are just puppy breeder trying to sell pups & are not happy becouse they couldent sell there last litter or some thing. becouse i dont cure that dog anyone owens it up to them at the end of the day not my desishion or anyone else for that matter each to there owen.

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Guest Lamper18

i own bull x's , wear tracksuits and a cap /hat call me a chav and what ever you want but i can gurantee my dogs are out killing stuff 10 x more than half the dim wits on here who sit here slaggin other breeds off

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Guest Countryboyo

Racist to dogs :icon_redface: ive heard it all now. The racist card is being used far too much allready. and now to start bringing it in to dogs.


I suggest certain dumbos look up the meaning of racist :clapper:

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Edited by whippeter69
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sorry didnt go to school i whent out poaching instead so my bad :oops: . i meant to meany people calling other people chosen breed of lurcher. is that any beter for yous highly edutated lot. you learn someting new every day on here not just about hunting ether. when do i get my gcse or what ever its called in english lanuage lol. do i get a shiney star or something for learning the meaning of racist we use to at school when i did go lol :D

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A real dog man respects every dog thats got the heart to work! theres so many arseholes on this forum its unreal! I havent been on this site for ages for that reason! If were on the subject of bull crosses being good allrounders i have got a 7 year old dog that is amazing he would take all pre ban legal qaurry single handed and do it well to the point were a couple of lads on the site were working him before i got him and he was retrieving foxes after he had coursed and killed them single handed. hed jump the moon and never leave youre side unless told to. The dog gains more respect from me every day! he also retrieves shot pheasants to hand! I wouldnt own anything other than a racey bullx with a heart of a lion! My exsperience with other lurcher crosses hasnt realy been positive. Any way i best stop ranting on im on the ferry back from hunting in ireland. Im more of a moleskin and check shirt man myself. :victory:

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  world.hunters said:
Wouldnt it be Breedist lol there all dogs :clapper: , in my eyes the bull x has a place in lurcher work but personally for me i wouldnt choose a bull x over a collie x for an alrounder not saying that they dont do it, but i think there is cirtain areas in which some bull crosses will do the job better then others due to the extra jaw power. thats my view on the subject.



i would rather have a well bred 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull as an allrounder than a 3/4grey 1/4 collie any day.

but thats just my opinion :thumbs:

the end of the day if the type of lurcher you own is doing the job you want it to then you have the right cross :thumbs:


p.s i dont own a pair of trackys and dont go hunting in trainers lol

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I believe alot of the die hard collie/beddie/deerhound x owners are the main culprits when it comes to slating the bull x as a working dog. They find it hard to admit that the bull x has turned into such a successful outcome/project. They are neither stupid nor aggressive, some maybe but it is the same in any breed. Admittedly a lot of the half x's can be slow for a lot of work but a good 3/4 bred is capable of matching anything on all aspects of lurcherwork, excepting the saluki x in regards to coursing on the big land. But preban these dogs were capable of taking the full spectrum of quarry. I admit there are the traditional x's that would do it also but I've seen many more traditional x lurchers producing dogs that fail on fox etc than bull x's. I've had collie, beddie x's myself many yrs ago & they served me well but I keep the bull x's now & wouldn't have nothing else

Edited by CorkyJohn
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Guest Countryboyo

Just wondering why people would want more than 1/4 bull in a lurcher????? Like you see lads with 3/4 bull 1/4 grey. alaunts or whatever name they have for them. surely anymore than 1/4 bull in a dog will just slow it down????

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Guest miller1989
  CorkyJohn said:
I believe alot of the die hard collie/beddie/deerhound x owners are the main culprits when it comes to slating the bull x as a working dog. They find it hard to admit that the bull x has turned into such a successful outcome/project. They are neither stupid nor aggressive, some maybe but it is the same in any breed. Admittedly a lot of the half x's can be slow for a lot of work but a good 3/4 bred is capable of matching anything on all aspects of lurcherwork, excepting the saluki x in regards to coursing on the big land. But preban these dogs were capable of taking the full spectrum of quarry. I admit there are the traditional x's that would do it also but I've seen many more traditional x lurchers producing dogs that fail on fox etc than bull x's. I've had collie, beddie x's myself many yrs ago & they served me well but I keep the bull x's now & wouldn't have nothing else


I couldnt have put it better myself :clapper: i own a bullx and love watching her work, shes a great allrounder,much to do with the 1/4 airedale,as shes 1/4 bull 1/4 airedale 1/2 greyhound but is still classed as a bull cross!


Future dog which ive never seen work is going to be a saluki/bull/grey!

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  mickyrichardson said:
Never had a bull cross never will i like brain in a dog as for the ground i run a bull x would kill itself or just bring me vet bills a mate of mine has a real good bull x and i like to watch it work certain quarry and as for the tracksuit he wears them all the time ;)



she is a good un i can agree with that but ive never worn a tracksuit yet :icon_redface: . lol

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  ratmogit said:
:f :nea: ive put this up because im fed up of everyone slating bull crosses and their owners. its about time you wised up on the subject before posting threads . i dont own a tracksuit, im certainly not some yob.i have a job. i have a bull cross but its not to make me look hard either......i dont need a penis extension. i dont understand this constant abuse thats recieved unprovocked. im sure these people are in someway vertically challenged, prehaps not had enough attention as a child maybe.....................bull cross owners what do you think



ive read loads of theese bull x topics and tried to ignore them all, but here goes...........


i have a well proven bull cross bitch 5 1/2 years old. shes a good dog and has filled the freezer many times but like 99% of bull xs ive seen shes not a alrounder.


the reason i keep my bull x is unlike no other bull x ive seen she has a brain, she runs real clever (if a rabbit is running to a fence she runs to the fence and not after the rabbit ect...) she will smash somthing that bites to pieces and recieve very little punishment but quickly retrieve rabbits and feather alive, she takes roe by the neck and not the first place she can get hold of and she will mark and hunt in cover that not even a terrier would. then on the otherhand my bull x can be ignorant and deaf at times even though she has got better with age. she cant be worked with ferrets and has to be lamped on a slip wich she will pull on all night if i was to let her. theese are the best and worse points about my dog. most of the very few bad points i find with my dog i can only put down to the bull in her and bull xs gameness. although she has picked up a few bad habbits from me.


the only problem i have with my bull x is that shes a bull x but a better than most dog and the best ive had to date.


this arguement is like .177 or .22 in the air gunning world it will go on and on for ever. there is good and bad in every dog and breed of dog why cant it be left at that. each to there own.

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Guest Countryboyo
  reload said:
I dont think having soverign rings, trakkies or white trainers to go lamping in, means you look like a bullX owner














But I think it helps :D :D


It also helps if you have a bull x but its not essential :D

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