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Just finished reading Hawking and Falconry by Adrian Hallgarth and any beginners out there (like me ) could do worse than to read this book. Very easy to follow and the pics are also clear and help the text. I,m now waiting on falconry principles & practice by roger upton and Falconry (UK Edition) by Emma Ford hope these are just as good.

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Ive not read many book's properly but the few ive read have been good one's..dont read too many just stick with a few good one's as too many book's will start to confuse thing's for you.

You can not beat hand's on experience with a bird of your own equiped with a compitent good falconer to help you along.



I would agree , a books good but if you can get out seeing it in practice , so much more will make sense.

If you do plan to get a bird , take your time , listen to advice , but like what you see on the telly with doctors ....get a second opinion!!


Good luck finding someone to show you the ropes.

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I'm reading the books as a head start as I'm looking into going to Scotland this year and spend at least a week out with a bird and also going on a few days out with a Harris's also.

But also reading lots off this site has helped some people seem to know there stuff.

I have made sure that I have got some things in place before I go any further as I have over 3000 acres to play on that has never been on before, lots of room to house a Harris and the time to fly and train.

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I'm reading the books as a head start as I'm looking into going to Scotland this year and spend at least a week out with a bird and also going on a few days out with a Harris's also.

But also reading lots off this site has helped some people seem to know there stuff.

I have made sure that I have got some things in place before I go any further as I have over 3000 acres to play on that has never been on before, lots of room to house a Harris and the time to fly and train.


The Emma Ford book is a nice read mate and a nice tool to go through the basics :thumbs:.


There's some lovely old books you can pick up from the Libary or sometimes pop up on Ebay, The Art And Practice Of Hawking - E B Michelle is classic in its own right and one I spent many hours as a lad reading under the bed covers with a torch, Observation On Modern Falconry - R Stevens and A Hawk For The Bush - Jack Mavrogordato are all classics too...


This is only my opinion but alot of books will contradict each other with different methods which can be confuseing to anyone new to the game, find some books that do it for you and gleam what you can out of them. when I first started I spent hours reading them cover top cover a few times incase I missed anything the first time! constant reading also helps to obsorb things you may have missed in the first read, I then wrote down parts of the books that was most beneficial and and basically worked at it from there, obviousley there was things that needed tidying up along the way when handling the birds but you soon pick up things from actually handling a hawk...


all in all you lay the foundations and put it to practice! you can then make a decision on things that need tweaking and also if there is a competent falconer near by pick some more tips up along the way! but always stay focused as to what you want to do, some falconers have ways that may not benefit the technique you feel in your heart is the correct method, stick to your plan and see it through if its working for you.....





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