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kill it cook it eat it ..watch now

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  the outlaw said:
This site didnt think much of it either, thier newest member is called Mixy :clapper: I wonder who that is?




Check out Mixy's intro post as well :blink::D


Time for fun




:clapper::clapper::clapper: that sites got to be one to join just for the wind up, It would bring the house down with a couple of pic's of some snared or Hollowpointed Bunnies on their boards :laugh:......


Just jesting but you have to laugh reading this sort of crap, Nothing queer as folk.....



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  the outlaw said:
Here is my intro post :D




Outlaw by name and all that ;)




LV was another rescue, he was found in a nasty hutch in Essex covered in pink hair dye, hutch was behind a hairdressers saloon called Zap B's


pmsl :laugh: :laugh:

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i just don't understand the mentality of these inbreds. If a fox or bird takes a rabbit, it's called a predator and is natural. If we take one with whatever tool of the trade we desire to use we are called cruel and a lot worse, yet ours is often the more quicker and humane way of dispatching. It's not as though we do it for fun and leave them on the floor for every fecker to see. They are used to feed our families, dogs, ferrets & birds, just wait and see in the next few months ahead your gonna see a lot more people poaching and taking or trying to take rabbits for an easy food source with the way the economy is changing, bloody ridiculous...country has gone to pot with these silly blonde ,half wit types...bout time we got back to basics seems like we are becoming to civilised for our own good

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  lurchergrrl said:
  the outlaw said:
Here is my intro post :D




Outlaw by name and all that ;)




LV was another rescue, he was found in a nasty hutch in Essex covered in pink hair dye, hutch was behind a hairdressers saloon called Zap B's


pmsl :laugh: :laugh:

im called 22lr hollow point fun on that

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This programme was definately the best of this series so far, me and the misses were howling at times!!!! The dude in the camo jacket was a prize prat, turned up in the jacket, then stands all proud when the guy says "you look like you've shot a gun before"......his reply....."once or twice"........ yeah you could tell the f*****g numpty, bet he went on there thinking he was gonna be the top banana...... :clapper::clapper: .......... the blonde bird seemed to put her foot in it everytime she opened her trap.....priceless, every home should have one in a box and poke it with hot sticks, then she'd know about suffering........ :yes::yes: ........... the animal rights bird.....retard, should'vehad some practice debating her point before going on, i dont know why they just think saying its cruel is enough.........but quality viewing when she started wailing as the rabbits popped out!!!! Hats off to the rescue lass, pissed all over them in the house afterwards and a nice ending statement about myxi!!!!



But what i've noticed after all these programes and listening to the various muppets they've had on there, is they are all united in one key point......... they hate the fact that we get pleasure and enjoyment from hunting and killing animals......... :yes::yes::yes: ............. So as long as we dont actually enjoy ourselves when we commit these heinous crimes, then they wont mind at all............ :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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