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Ultimate Fox Killing Lurcher.

Guest bezza

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i see where the poster is coming from but in the end its all down to personal preference about what you want from a lurcher and how you want it to do that job.i personally don't need half x's but i like bull in a lurcher for that extra drive etc that it gives so both my dogs are 1/4 bull. horses for courses.... ;)

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Its some of the idiots that own them that give us a bad name, not the dog, and its not just bull crosses. Tarring everyone with the same brush is something that the antis do, because some jumped up yo

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im not one to judge a dog but i agree that every person i see with a bullx is young lads that just want the dogs to go out and bash fox and the deer. dont get me wrong i have nothing against these dogs but if im not mistaken isnt it banned now to do that what these dogs are mainly for. i mean if you were to just go after the legal quarry in this country i know you dont need these big hefty dogs to do the job thats just my opinion dont like it then tough

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cant understand why you would need a bullc ross to hil ader or a fox ,had colii crosses and saluks who would do both easy the tor of dsartmoor saluks we bred killed everything one got put down as dogs sheep you name it mines was fine but they could kill ,but plus they could course, got coli crose and saw colli crosse who smash foxes up ,but at the end of it no big deal ,to me bull crosses neither gott he wind for coursing and some would falter on the way we lamp localy when there plenty about , on the big land ,saw som ethta were good dogs tho but with expierenced handlers , a lurcher will and always will be for me food on table cash and if they do a fox all the better sawhaeton crosse more handier better coats , not saw tonnes of bull crosses to make large comments but they must be good orthe guys who have them maybe failed with other types

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I suppose a big scarred up bully is a bit harder to pass off as a rabbit dog these days with the law.

They all do a job, and do it without any trouble, but i'd probs want something a bit more low key if I was to run all game in todays climate.

But i'm only a rabbit man, so i'll shut me trap now! :D

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  brock1 said:
  miller1989 said:
Weird!!! Come into fashion and dont dis a dog, i could say the same about you,MEAT you mean Rabbits,get a ferret and stop letting your dog crunch them up! You want a dog to take all quarry from Rats to Foxes widen your opotunities and wise up!

no mate i mean meat i dont just catch rabbit for meat & i have ferrets. so you wise up you cant eat fox or rats & fox hunting with dogs is band & we wouldnt want to break the law. :D


i dont own a runing dog at all but go out with boys that have ther dogs have no bull in them at all but had hearr, fox ect with them along time a go.... so it ant just bullx that you are going on about in the long run :):D


and as for the law you nether speeded in your car then.....

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  lucky said:
we all love a pot filler, this bit of meat was taken single handed (well before the ban) with one of those dogs that has added nothing to lurchers, a bull cross.... ;)




Well I think Bezza's got a valid point there but like others have said we must not stereo type all Bull cross owners as being numpties like Lucky for example!


Lucky, you said this picture was taken pre ban...really! A picture paints a thousand words, it was taken on the 1st January 2007 at 12.01. I'm guessing the 12.01 was night time as it looks like a night time shot. My apologies if I have made a mistake! If you're going to put this kind of picture on the net then set your camera date correct be for you get a knock on the door. :wallbash:

Edited by MikeTheDog
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  labsnlurchers said:

Oh dear, people dont get so defensive when people slate your dog, they mey be inciting you to post pictures as proof of your dogs ability but also may be something more sinister and they are there for everyone to see! Aslong as you are happy who cares what others think?




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get the dog that suits your need not the dog who looks the best worker always over show or looker , big muscular types maybe look good but well its the tempement you need and working ability you need not just piont and slip dogs

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iam 16 and love cooking, hunting and dogs so my colliexgreyhound feeds me and the dogs on a regular basis but i supose she could take the odd charlie aswel (pre ban obvcourse ;))


i can see why people have bullx for bigger game (pre ban obvcourse)and i would quite like one one day but at the moment i dont need one as my colliexgrey does everything i need and more


i find myself surronded by many people my age disrespecting there quarry by not dispatching them humanly and by taking discusting trophy pictures to conpensate for the small size of there c*cks....they are not willing to ask questions from the more experienced and wont admit they are still learning...i, myself look up to my elders as iam from a non hunting family so its the only real way i can progress in to being a better hunter and also believe that my three main rules in hunting are to dispatch quarry as humanly as possible,respect the quarry and put all of my quarry to good use (e.g. food)

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i dont own a bull cross, dont get me wrong dont know about them seen a couple work but wasnt impressed but seeing a couple dont even quallifie me for an educated geuss. what i did notice more last year was how many are popping up in shows and winning.


i personaly think each to thier own and if thats a bullx then so be it as long as the owner does things right with the dog and dont put uor future at risk then live and let live. when i say do the right thing i mean stock breaking, if a dog is under controll and not a thret to live stock, i dont think it matters about its breeding. i get the same enjoyment from watching dogs work dont matter the type of dog just iots attitude towards what it is doing.

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