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Ultimate Fox Killing Lurcher.

Guest bezza

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  Graham 87 said:
im not one to judge a dog but i agree that every person i see with a bullx is young lads that just want the dogs to go out and bash fox and the deer. dont get me wrong i have nothing against these dogs but if im not mistaken isnt it banned now to do that what these dogs are mainly for. i mean if you were to just go after the legal quarry in this country i know you dont need these big hefty dogs to do the job thats just my opinion dont like it then tough


i see more priks with other breed lurchers in hartlepool shouting they done this & that with there dogs. talking a good talk but doing nowt but say they cant catch nowt local now there was loads in the summer. they killed loads of baby rabbits & pregnant does in the summer. but now cant catch anything local with there super dogs. last time i whent local 2 nights ago i only cought 2 rabbits out of 4 runs with my 27tts bull x but my mate has been looking after it up the garden for the few 2 week becouse i have been bad. but hasnt been walking it so he is a bit unfit & you cant catch big numbers if you dont run then. half the people around my way go on as if the rabbits are extinc after they have been local becouse there dogs not up to the job or they have no field craft & cant even get close to any think. there isnt meany but you can still get a few. they think a big light & a fast dog with a load of stanima & there the best hunter in the country. if your not going to kill a hundred rabbits with a dog why do you need so much stanima if your lamping why do you need the fastest dog just to show off ?. as far as hunting fox & deer is now baned so theres no use for bullxs. hare couseing is banned but people still have salukis & salukixs what do you think most poeple keeped then for pre ban. sorry if i affeded any saluki owners i didnt mean to. its just a example & i could fill the page with them useing diffrent breeds its just the first to come to mind. i have nowt agains salukis or any other breed each to there own. before you say you keep little rabbiting lurchers or wippets good for you i have a wippet it catches rabbits just as good as my bullx but is no better at catching rabbits then my bullx on the lamp for me if i am honest. like i sead you dont need speed to catch a rabbit on the lamp & i dont go to catch big numbers to show of so dont need stanima. i did when i was a kid & first got into lurchers but i just go for what i need now unless i go with someone that dose it for pest control. becouse i dont need a dog that can run all night just one that dosent miss to meany becouse i dont leave any thing behind & wouldnt kill a rabbit to rot in a field or anything that can be eat becouse i cant carry them all or i dont need then. so you cant of seen me about then lol. the reason i use my bullx more is if i go with someone else & they take a dog the wippet whants every couse. if the other dogs running a rabbit the wippet yaps witch isnt good if you whant another run in that field. its the same at home a bit hipper where my bullxs seem a bit more laid back for me. just my apinion abit diffrent to your but most peoples seen to be & i am not just a young lad that gose out just to bash fox or deer or even rabbit or hares for that matter. :blink::angry: why should people keep a dog that doent suit them just becouse it has someting they dont need. diffrent people need diffret thing from a dog it dosent make the dog any better or worse it just makes the expereance of owning a dog a bit better for the idievidual. & there is pricks with all breeds of dogs not just bullxs or even lurchers. that you are right about but to say every bullx owner you see in hartlepool whants to kill every thing you must just see people with bullxs & imagen them being like this & not even know them becouse i know a few bullx owner that ant out to just bash fox & deer as you put it. if you dont like it tuff dont sterio type people you dont even know :no:

Edited by brock1
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Its some of the idiots that own them that give us a bad name, not the dog, and its not just bull crosses. Tarring everyone with the same brush is something that the antis do, because some jumped up yo

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here we go again. You cant talk about any breed of lurcher on this site at the moment as you get nothing but riddicules comments. Does it really matter what the fuxk the breeding is if you go out and the dog does the job for you then great. I go out 3_4 nights a week lamping with all different crosses and i just love to see a running dog run on its desired quarry end of no matter what the cross is

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Guest Countryboyo
  blackpack said:
here we go again. You cant talk about any breed of lurcher on this site at the moment as you get nothing but riddicules comments. Does it really matter what the fuxk the breeding is if you go out and the dog does the job for you then great. I go out 3_4 nights a week lamping with all different crosses and i just love to see a running dog run on its desired quarry end of no matter what the cross is


Ah its good crack getting the blood boiling of those who are thick and ignorent enough to take offence. A lot of doggy men would prefer you to insult their wife rather than their dog. Ive seen a lad break his uncles jaw at a race track one night because the uncle said his dog wasnt up to much after he came second. At the end of the day for every action there is a reaction and that is what some people on this forum look for quiet a bit. Most of them have nothing against bull breeds but are bored and wouldnt mind stirring the sh1t and getting a bit of an argument going. If people dont react which is their own choice then there is no argument and the tread dies. However there are a lot of hot blooded overly deffencive people on this forum ready to fight and defend their dogs and way of life and to be honest I think a lot of people like having something to giveout about and argue over. ;)

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  Garypco said:
  JPTfellterrier said:
  miller1989 said:
Sounds as if your not doing too bad JPT and if charvs are picking on you tell them too get fecked, and ive told you before YOUR welcome to come out with us,im organising some Ratting in Newton,over 3 days,we get into the 600-700 if you want some work for your terriers??

shal give you a pm later as my young terrier is now 8 1/2 months and needs bringing on, also mny old terrier aint getting much work and is going nuts

sounds like an offer not to be refused jpt...get out there and get those terriers working!!!

they need it poor beggers, with all the hassel latley the poor beggers aint been out in a long while and there good behaviour goes to pot, eating food off table,burgeling the bin, barking at bloody everything and all because they arnt being worked....dont know how anyone could keep a patterdale terrier as a pet only would drive me crackers


  Paid said:
JPT, good on you. You have a sensible head on your shoulders.

sensible maybe.......crackers....yes :D

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  bezza said:
When I first started out out with lurchers a dog was valued for its pot filling abilities. A dog that could take the full spectrum of fur and feather was considered the ultimate working companion.

Nowadays the ultimate lurcher is seen as the most macho looking bullcross that can soak up punishment and slaughter foxes night after night and never get sickened.

The old quotation: "The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable."comes to mind.

We've lost our way a little. Give me a dog that can put meat on the table rather than a fighting dog/ running dog hybrid anytime.

Personally I'm sick to death of 16 year old morons posting sicko photos of their fox catches with dogs that would be better served hunting lions or some other larger game. The bull cross has done nothing for the general lurcher owner other than give us a bad name. Discuss.

PS. Insult me as much as you like but don't call me an anti, that is below the belt.


I disagree with you completely a smart racey 3/4 bred bullx is the perfect pot filling lurcher if it come to the crunch id say a man with a bull x could fill his freezer with every type of edible protein our country has to offer! I would say judging by the amount of bull x at game fairs they would be the most popular lurcher in the country. You sound a bit of a grumpy old b*****d to be honest you should be encouraging the younger generation in the right ways of doing things and not openly slating 16 year olds and one of th most popular lurcher crosses in the country. this is all coming from a seventeen year old bullx owner by the way! :angry:

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  Graham 87 said:
im not one to judge a dog but i agree that every person i see with a bullx is young lads that just want the dogs to go out and bash fox and the deer. dont get me wrong i have nothing against these dogs but if im not mistaken isnt it banned now to do that what these dogs are mainly for. i mean if you were to just go after the legal quarry in this country i know you dont need these big hefty dogs to do the job thats just my opinion dont like it then tough


what a load of tripe i have seen more stupid anti comments on this topic this being one of the most rediculous then anything i have ever read in the paper. Isnt this a site for country people who love to hunt? :icon_eek: it seems to me its more of a site for lazy people who like to slag others off who go out and work there dogs rediculuos comments from a load of joakers im glad some people are talking sense.

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what a load of tripe i have seen more stupid anti comments on this topic this being one of the most rediculous then anything i have ever read in the paper. Isnt this a site for country people who love to hunt? :icon_eek: it seems to me its more of a site for lazy people who like to slag others off who go out and work there dogs rediculuos comments from a load of joakers im glad some people are talking sense.



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  lucky said:
we all love a pot filler, this bit of meat was taken single handed (well before the ban) with one of those dogs that has added nothing to lurchers, a bull cross.... ;)



thats lucky!thats more than lucky!lol



what a shit post some like killing foxes,

some like filling freezers,

get a dog that suits you,

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  Countryboyo said:
  blackpack said:
here we go again. You cant talk about any breed of lurcher on this site at the moment as you get nothing but riddicules comments. Does it really matter what the fuxk the breeding is if you go out and the dog does the job for you then great. I go out 3_4 nights a week lamping with all different crosses and i just love to see a running dog run on its desired quarry end of no matter what the cross is


Ah its good crack getting the blood boiling of those who are thick and ignorent enough to take offence. A lot of doggy men would prefer you to insult their wife rather than their dog. Ive seen a lad break his uncles jaw at a race track one night because the uncle said his dog wasnt up to much after he came second. At the end of the day for every action there is a reaction and that is what some people on this forum look for quiet a bit. Most of them have nothing against bull breeds but are bored and wouldnt mind stirring the sh1t and getting a bit of an argument going. If people dont react which is their own choice then there is no argument and the tread dies. However there are a lot of hot blooded overly deffencive people on this forum ready to fight and defend their dogs and way of life and to be honest I think a lot of people like having something to giveout about and argue over. ;)


if that is meat for me then you dont know me you can call my dogs all day half the time i do my self. & me & my mates site & call each others dogs all day its only an opinion you dont have to take everything to hart. just becouse people give there opinion & use the tool you can to give them dosent mean that there starting shit. if i whanted to start shit i live in the same town as the lad i give my opinions to it is only a small place it wouldnt be hard. but to start shit over a silly opinion about a dog that is here today gone tomorow is stupid. i was just telling the lad that not all the bullx owners in hartlepool are like what he described them as being. maybe everyone hes seen in hartlepool are like that i dont know i am not him i cant say. i just give my opinion just like he did no diffrent. i didnt take offence by what he sead i just dont agree with what he sead. simple as that.ps just like you say opinion sead argue over even though i didnt think anyone was argueing i have sead what i had to say isnt that what a forun is for posting peoples opinion? or have i got it all wrong.

Edited by brock1
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Guest Countryboyo
  brock1 said:
  Countryboyo said:
  blackpack said:
here we go again. You cant talk about any breed of lurcher on this site at the moment as you get nothing but riddicules comments. Does it really matter what the fuxk the breeding is if you go out and the dog does the job for you then great. I go out 3_4 nights a week lamping with all different crosses and i just love to see a running dog run on its desired quarry end of no matter what the cross is


Ah its good crack getting the blood boiling of those who are thick and ignorent enough to take offence. A lot of doggy men would prefer you to insult their wife rather than their dog. Ive seen a lad break his uncles jaw at a race track one night because the uncle said his dog wasnt up to much after he came second. At the end of the day for every action there is a reaction and that is what some people on this forum look for quiet a bit. Most of them have nothing against bull breeds but are bored and wouldnt mind stirring the sh1t and getting a bit of an argument going. If people dont react which is their own choice then there is no argument and the tread dies. However there are a lot of hot blooded overly deffencive people on this forum ready to fight and defend their dogs and way of life and to be honest I think a lot of people like having something to giveout about and argue over. ;)


if that is meat for me then you dont know me you can call my dogs all day half the time i do my self. & me & my mates site & call each others dogs all day its only an opinion you dont have to take everything to hart. just becouse people give there opinion & use the tool you can to give them dosent mean that there starting shit. if i whanted to start shit i live in the same town as the lad i give my opinions to it is only a small place it wouldnt be hard. but to start shit over a silly opinion about a dog that is here today gone tomorow is stupid. i was just telling the lad that not all the bullx owners in hartlepool are like what he described them as being. maybe everyone hes seen in hartlepool are like that i dont know i am not him i cant say. i just give my opinion just like he did no diffrent. i didnt take offence by what he sead i just dont agree with what he sead. simple as that.


No lad wasnt talking about you, just about a lot of doggy men in general ;)

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  Countryboyo said:
  brock1 said:
  Countryboyo said:
  blackpack said:
here we go again. You cant talk about any breed of lurcher on this site at the moment as you get nothing but riddicules comments. Does it really matter what the fuxk the breeding is if you go out and the dog does the job for you then great. I go out 3_4 nights a week lamping with all different crosses and i just love to see a running dog run on its desired quarry end of no matter what the cross is


Ah its good crack getting the blood boiling of those who are thick and ignorent enough to take offence. A lot of doggy men would prefer you to insult their wife rather than their dog. Ive seen a lad break his uncles jaw at a race track one night because the uncle said his dog wasnt up to much after he came second. At the end of the day for every action there is a reaction and that is what some people on this forum look for quiet a bit. Most of them have nothing against bull breeds but are bored and wouldnt mind stirring the sh1t and getting a bit of an argument going. If people dont react which is their own choice then there is no argument and the tread dies. However there are a lot of hot blooded overly deffencive people on this forum ready to fight and defend their dogs and way of life and to be honest I think a lot of people like having something to giveout about and argue over. ;)


if that is meat for me then you dont know me you can call my dogs all day half the time i do my self. & me & my mates site & call each others dogs all day its only an opinion you dont have to take everything to hart. just becouse people give there opinion & use the tool you can to give them dosent mean that there starting shit. if i whanted to start shit i live in the same town as the lad i give my opinions to it is only a small place it wouldnt be hard. but to start shit over a silly opinion about a dog that is here today gone tomorow is stupid. i was just telling the lad that not all the bullx owners in hartlepool are like what he described them as being. maybe everyone hes seen in hartlepool are like that i dont know i am not him i cant say. i just give my opinion just like he did no diffrent. i didnt take offence by what he sead i just dont agree with what he sead. simple as that.


No lad wasnt talking about you, just about a lot of doggy men in general ;)


ok mate i got it wrong sorry we all do sometimes ;)

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hi brock 1 im sticking up for the bull x mate i have just brought one as the lads here have them and i think they are the all round lurcher hunting nose and determination and i have always stuck up for this cross i just hope mine turns out like his sire and dam

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  bezza said:
When I first started out out with lurchers a dog was valued for its pot filling abilities. A dog that could take the full spectrum of fur and feather was considered the ultimate working companion.

Nowadays the ultimate lurcher is seen as the most macho looking bullcross that can soak up punishment and slaughter foxes night after night and never get sickened.

The old quotation: "The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable."comes to mind.

We've lost our way a little. Give me a dog that can put meat on the table rather than a fighting dog/ running dog hybrid anytime.

Personally I'm sick to death of 16 year old morons posting sicko photos of their fox catches with dogs that would be better served hunting lions or some other larger game. The bull cross has done nothing for the general lurcher owner other than give us a bad name. Discuss.

PS. Insult me as much as you like but don't call me an anti, that is below the belt.


Well Bezza, this is some thread you`ve started.


I have to say that i do/did agree with you up to a point. you do see a lot of teenage lads struting around with their Big Bull X dog as if to say "Look at me" ;)

I even bought such a dog of this forum, turned out the dog just looked the part though.. ;)

Anyway thats as far as i`ll go to agree with you.


I belive that most lurchers correctly trained can be a capable pot filler, my own Bull x being such a dog,

although this was not my intention when i originaly got her as she was mainly to be used alongside my terriers which i owned at the time,

Anyway life took an unexpected turn and i ened up with just the one dog, this is when my eyes were opened to what a bull X can be capeable of,

They are inteligent, easy to train, good nose, loyal, and give 100% in whatever Quarry they work,

I have though bowed to the pressure that narrow minded people like yourself put on your fellow hunters and my new lurcher, { pup from my bull x } mated to a wheaton/grey.

Although i`ve no doubt he`ll have the determination of his dam he wont have "That Look" that you and people like you dont like,

And i`ll be able to go about my buisness without getting sideways glances from non belivers like your self.

and work my dog in peace..


Yours in sport, Mars..

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