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Pre-Ban question ?

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Just curious, wel in pre ban you lot hunted deer, fox and hare.

how many dogs would you slip on a deer and a fox and a hare at once. i watched a few videos and it is always 2 dogs on a hare, but i heared of deer been taken down by a few dogs and only really heared of people slipping one dog on a fox at a time.

So what did you lot do ( Pre-Ban ) haha


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Guest MY LAW

thats the diference ,how big the animal was that was being hunted ,those that say 1 dog on a deer ,probibly was only after roe or females of the bigger species ,because the truith is they would not have be in to mutch of a hurry to have let their dog go one up on a fallow or red stag that would have stood its ground : : :no: :: :and if a fox had a nasty hold on a dog they would with out a dought let a second dog in if they had one.

Edited by MY LAW
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i know the awnser, 1 dog on hare id rekon 3 on a red stag or 1-2 on a roe and possibaly 1-2 on fox depending if it's a large one oe a pup :p enjoy :victory:


edit to say, it does depend on what dog your using. but im getting technical .

Edited by victor
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