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on the search 4 cubs

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Had a call from a keeper t say he'd shot a vixen the night [bANNED TEXT] n she'd got cubs on, but he'd no idea where ! So out 4 a walk i went, i searched hi n low but couldn't find no signs of cubs anywhere . in the end there was 1 earth used so in the dog went after a hr of round n round he had his quarry bottled up, now this earth can be deep if u get them at the back but as usual my luck held out n i had him at bout 18inches so no need t call 4 reinforcments thought i'd b able t manage this 1 on my own. Broke through lifted dog n humanely dispatched it.


No chisel taken either what a bonus

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  wheaten said:
Had a call from a keeper t say he'd shot a vixen the night [bANNED TEXT] n she'd got cubs on, but he'd no idea where ! So out 4 a walk i went, i searched hi n low but couldn't find no signs of cubs anywhere . in the end there was 1 earth used so in the dog went after a hr of round n round he had his quarry bottled up, now this earth can be deep if u get them at the back but as usual my look held out n i had him at bout 18inches so no need t call 4 reinforcments thought i'd b able t manage this 1 on my own. Broke through lifted dog n humanely dispatched it.


No Chisel,




Searching for cubs is very frustrating mate ,especially if thier not big enough to be out and about.I have found them in places with little sign of there being there and in so tight that no terier can get there.Only thing for it then is to gas Im afraid.

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Guest Leveller

You're right there dropper quite often the vixen will take cubs to a small rabbit warren or even smaller holes I've seen this on more than one occasion when a fox is being pushed by hounds he'll run to a hole that he can't fit in and I believe that he remembers the hole from being taken there as a cub and thinks of it as a haven only to find he can't fit in.


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i have t disagree with u on that foxdropper, i have seen dog fox's fetchin flesh t cubs n there was no vixen bout, he was seen comin 3 nights on trot with flesh, then the cubs had been moved after, was it the vixen or dog fox that moved them who knows.

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