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Canoe or Boat ideas

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Looking into getting a boat this year, maybe a hunting canoe or small duck boat. I want it primarily for duck hunting on estuaries but also for crab and lobster potting in calm coastal areas.


I am particularly interested in canoes. Anyone got one/used one?

I have found the predator 133 and 150 series which looks good



But also seen a good value coleman at costco



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be careful at the crab and lobster, where the lobbies hang about around the coast, is usually on hard scabby ground and many a man has come a cropper in these parts. Great fun but get local advise before you go, and dont shoot gear on top of any full time fisherman as tehy get mighty p****d off. If you are looking at a canoe remember that lobster gear is heavy and depending on your boat may give you stability problems.

Just my tupence

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be careful at the crab and lobster, where the lobbies hang about around the coast, is usually on hard scabby ground and many a man has come a cropper in these parts. Great fun but get local advise before you go, and dont shoot gear on top of any full time fisherman as tehy get mighty p****d off. If you are looking at a canoe remember that lobster gear is heavy and depending on your boat may give you stability problems.

Just my tupence



Thanks for this, I use the foldable spring steel and net pots, basically light but sturdy crayfish posts that cost £5.50 each. Very good kit, got lots of crab and lobster in wales last summer!


Have you done this on any canoes?

Edited by tom1cameron
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looks very nice, ive got one of the old style canadian canoes and its really good on rivers and lakes but never had it out on the sea, id say it would be grand on a calm day, never have got round to shooting from mine, might give it a go this weekend.

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never done it from a canoe but used to be a fishermen, and done my fair share of close calls. When we were about 12 we had a ten foot dinghy and tried shooting lobster gear of it, and cam very close to having to swim for it. After that we made a raft and towed that behind, and then shoved the creel off the raft, probably just as dangerous but we were young and foolish.

Those light foldables will work, but if you get any kind of rumble on teh shore they will be detroyed, you just need to look on the peirs around teh coast to see what damaged creels there are lying about.

If you can find a nice wee quiet sea loch then it might be a deadly enough tool for sneaking about with a creel or even a wee s***h net.

For hauling your creel, hang some weight on a rope and try lifting it from different areas of teh canoe and see how you get on. I would stay hunkered down though to keep the CoG down as low as possible.

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