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just watched that kill it, cook it, eat it thing on deer

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Guest little lurcher

i think the whole series from the slaughter of farm animals to the game shooting of this series is a very well thought out and planned experience for those whom dont know what truly goes on , of course it will be edited , the shot last night wasnt good but stalker despatched quickly and good editing allowed the viewer a realistic insight into stalking and hunting , i highly praise the series as i think it could be controvesial whilst being realistic to those of us "in the know" so to speak?


personally my 4yr old son watches the series and we talk about the show after , he is used to seeing various game animals dispatched and skinned etc and has been since he was able to walk , but watching it on tv allows us to chat about how other animals he hasnt seen killed, are culled .


im away now to watch the duck shoot!!!

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just watched the duck one, rabbit tomorrow. Some of them on there were a right load of inbreds....bottom lip quivering etc when the plucking was commencing. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are out there eating meat out of plastic wrapping who basically have no clue to where it originated or better still find it easier to pop into the oven after someone else has done all the dressing for them.

Good show though, informative and always good to have something of interest in the likes of our sport on the box. I wonder if this will be available on dvd or if it will get binned like they did with clarissa's one. I wonder just out of interest how many complaints they are going to receive...

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  rabbit tourmentor said:
did you see the prick from the leage against everything talking. the facts were there that deer need to be kept back because they have no natural predators etc he comes on and goes no its a cruel and pointless act deer arnt owned by anybody and shouldnt be shot for others enjoyment there was no need for him to be on there what he was saying was absolute bull shit as usaully

i noticed that they had just said that there was somthing like 6 deer species in britan and only two of which are native os thats obviously going to cause problems he didnt listen to the fact that they damage young trees and each other... also anouther women said she didnt like the fun sporting elemant to it but i dont see why if theres a job to be done why cant we enjoy it :blink:

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Watch'd the rabbit one, just goes to show what were up against, them 2 birds especialy the blonde one spoiled brainwashed twisted fuckwits.

Made me laugh tho when they asked one what there prefared method of rabbit control would be, she said the foxs can do it, so they dont agree to a dog catchin a rabbit but chicken rustlin foxes are ok. :wacko:

Hopefully people with half a brain can now see them for what they really are.

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