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just watched that kill it, cook it, eat it thing on deer

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Guest Scuba1

back to the original question..... i think it was a great idea because it will get people to have a realistic think about hunting and preparing game and what it is all about. :victory: :victory:

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did you see the prick from the leage against everything talking. the facts were there that deer need to be kept back because they have no natural predators etc he comes on and goes no its a cruel and pointless act deer arnt owned by anybody and shouldnt be shot for others enjoyment there was no need for him to be on there what he was saying was absolute bull shit as usaully

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Guest MY LAW

it was cut to hell and total crap .only made for the money involved .notice they did not show the wounded deer the woman gut shot .that would have shown what happens most of the time .but when other stories of poaching are shown they realy lay it on thick , to make it look as gruesome as posible. :yes:

Edited by MY LAW
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