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Lurcher pup

Guest rabbithunter2006

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Guest rabbithunter2006

Hi lads, ive got a bedi x grey pup and i want to know what age to start working her, i dont wanna start early if it will do more harm than good. shes 4 n half month old now

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u could enter [bANNED TEXT] pup later on in nxt season [bANNED TEXT] it all depends on how fast [bANNED TEXT] dog matures. shouldnt worry ureself now as the hunting season is over work on its obedience and callback get that solid :good::good:

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Think Craigs advice is good. Would be a good time to get some obedience work done with her and start taking her for some walks in the country to get her used to some different conditions and terrain. The recall

will certainly be handy when she manages to get a good distance away.

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Guest rabbithunter2006
Think Craigs advice is good. Would be a good time to get some obedience work done with her and start taking her for some walks in the country to get her used to some different conditions and terrain. The recall

will certainly be handy when she manages to get a good distance away.

yes [bANNED TEXT] here she is but this was about a month ago, so she a bit bigger now as u can imagine




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Guest nitevision

nice lookin bitch [bANNED TEXT],hope you have some good hunting with her,its a job to know when is the best time to get em workin,all i would say is dont rush her,and you will know when she is ready. :good::good:

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when my pup was 5months old i took him out on the lamp a few times for him to watch the other dog's.


I started running my pup on bunnies at about 6 month old. Just going out for half an hour and picking up 1 or 2 rabbits.


Just build the dog up. make sure you got the retrieving and recall perfect before you run though.

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This is what i do with my dogs,i know every one has their own ways but i was told to do it this way by experienced dog men and i believe my dogs have benefited from doing it this way...I don't start my dogs off running until they are over 12 month old for a bitch and 14 month for a dog,even at this age they are nowhere near mature.I have seen not dozens but hundreds of dogs ruined by running them too soon,a good instance of how running a dog too soon can ruin it is many lads with daytime dogs say they caught this and caught that when it was only "however old",but before you know it they are finished ,only two or three year old and "cocking" ,this means not chasing.If you give your dog time it will more than repay your patience.As one or two lads have said just get the dog doing the other basic things,retrieving,obedience and jumping but just hang on with him,i know it's difficult especially when you only have the one dog but in the long run it will be of benefit to you and your dog.The dog i have been running last season is almost 9 and honestly he was born in June of 97 and he never even seen a rabbit until September the following year,this dog as caught an unbelievable amount of game,he gets totally hammered every time i run him and this dog has never "cocked",i believe with giving him a little time he as more than repayed me.Each person has their methods but this is how i have brought mine on for almost 30 years.Good luck with whatever you choose to do with your pup.Andy.


That Saluki pup has killed nothing that can run yet.

Mind you, if it cant run, its in a lot of trouble. :whistle:

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Guest markbrick1

it is very hard to choose a time with a pup every one is differant just get to know it spend time and you will know more then anyone when the time is right but one thing asd said is dont do to much to young is right as you could spoil it and only u will be dissapointed

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it is very hard to choose a time with a pup every one is differant just get to know it spend time and you will know more then anyone when the time is right but one thing asd said is dont do to much to young is right as you could spoil it and only u will be dissapointed


Well said mate

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