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What is the most humane way of killing a deer?

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Recently we had some car accidents in the area with roe. In case of emergency, what is the fastest and most humane way to kill a roe deer if you have no gun close by? Do they have a weak spot, can you break the neck or something?




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Best & easy way for most with little experiance is to cut the throat from ear to ear on the under side at the back of the lower jaw but be care full for the blood. This is quick & humane as the back of the head is a small area to get right for non experiance persons with deer. The beast needs bled any way ASAP after death & this is doing two things at once ie killing the beast & bleeding it at same time & be very care full of roe with there feet/hoofs & dont approach from behind as they will kick out if they can & seriously hurt you.

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The place on the back of the head is called the Atlas Joint, and as has been said is difficult to find with a stressed animal. Once you have seen what you are looking for on a dead carcass it is much quicker to locate. It is just below the knobbly bit on the line on the base of the skull. If you run your hand down the back of your neck, you can feel a similar part on your own skull?back bone connection.


The other place which is quick, but has pro's and con's for access is the just above the clavical. This is easily entered with a knife and is IMHO safer for the inexperienced dispatcher.


To find this, just run your hand down the underside of the deers neck till you reach the hard breast bone on the front of the deer , It will feel like a triangle of bone. Push the knife in above this (with the blade flat) and cut from side to side. It requires very little force.

Blood will gush out in a matter of seconds, and can be messy. What you are actually aiming for is the major arteries connecting to the heart and lungs.


It is also the method i would use to bleed a deer after being shot.

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Thanks guys. Normally if I have to kill a bird or rabbit I push a broad blade through the skull in the lenght. But roe is too big for that and I kind of don't want to poke around in the skull. To cut the throat seems more direct and somehow better than strangeling.

Edited by Lennard
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[quoThanks guys. Normally if I have to kill a bird or rabbit I push a broad blade through the skull in the lenght. But roe is too big for that and I kind of don't want to poke around in the skull. To cut the throat seems more direct and somehow better than strangeling. te]


Why not just break the rabbit/bird's neck?

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I have never been in this position without a gun to hand but what I would stress, as has been mentioned, do not underestimate the power of thrashing hooves or antlers if embarking on this act of kindness!!


5 or 6 years back I saw a well intentioned Police Officer with half his face hanging off at the roadside after a debate with an injured Roe!

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