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Police get new powers

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New powers for police to hack into UK computers



Police in the UK will be allowed to hack into personal computers without a court order after being controversially granted permission by the Home Office.


The practice has reportedly already been quietly adopted over the UK, using technology to search computers of those suspected of cyber-crime and paedophilia.


Hacking into computers is more normally the domain of the cyber-criminal, and the police insist that the practice needs to be adopted in order to deal with the hi-tech crime being perpetrated.


A chief constable must currently okay the use of hacking on a case by case basis, but inevitably human rights and privacy groups are up in arms about the news that the power is being broadened.


Rifling through people's paperwork


"This is no different from breaking down someone's door, rifling through their paperwork and seizing their computer hard drive," Liberty's high profile director Shami Chakrabati told The Independent.


The police have confirmed that they have carried out 194 hacking operations in 2007 and 2008: 133 in private homes, 37 in offices and 24 in hotels.


"The police service in the United Kingdom will aggressively pursue serious and organised criminality, including where that takes the modern forms of hi-tech crime," said a spokesperson for the police.

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In two minds about it. If they are going to hack files of say a bloke whos been looking at certain websites which the police know may attrach peadofiles then im not dead against it. However hacking into someones computer as you suspecting em of beating a nonse and finding nothing but say a few pictures of them doing something else illegal but not as serious then i think the police should be forced to turn a blind eye to that.


Cant see it happening so ill say this should be illegal.

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if you got nothing to hide you got nothing to worry about :whistling::whistling:



:notworthy: This will only be used for online predatory paedo's thats why it needs authority so high up.......the chief constable isn't going to be authorising this for minor matters......

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A while ago the police were given new powers under some "terrorism act" to spy on people - it was brought in specifically for suspected terrorrists etc. Our council have been using this new act to spy on people suspected of letting their dog crap on the street!

nuff said.

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A while ago the police were given new powers under some "terrorism act" to spy on people - it was brought in specifically for suspected terrorrists etc. Our council have been using this new act to spy on people suspected of letting their dog crap on the street!

nuff said.



Thats a fair worry......the problem there stems from the crime and disorder act....this made it more than the police responsible for fighting,preventing and detecting crime.....so the councils became involved!


The new legislation is i believe is a police only power (it may include contractors employed by teh police who are computer experts)


Trappa the legislation i believe you are on about is the one to do with cctv and directed surveilannce....and to be honest i know nothing about it! I do know a little about the legislation in question here though about online paedophiles

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At the moment to listen to your phone calls they have to have a court order,after this new rule think again!

How many people say things on there phone which is "private",never mind illegal!

It all bull shit other countrys have much more privacy and seem to run very smoothly!

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Guest Scuba1

The movie 1984 comes to mind. I know why I will never move back to the UK or any other "civilized" place for that matter. I like my privacy and there is not a lot left of that anymore these days.





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i work in IT Securtiy.


If anyone actualyl manages to hack me ill be hacking them back, no doubt about it, i dont give a shite if its the police cos they are invading personal property IN my premises for which they DO need a warrant to access my house.


Good luck coopers - i have force fed trojans which will auto-bombard anyone who gets in my honey-pot.

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