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Txt talk and format

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  Selwyn Froggit said:
  NowYourStalking said:
I think the restriction on text talk ([bANNED TEXT] and CUL8R) is fantastic

What restrictions?



more of a guide line, as captain jack sparrow would say, we let stuff go, if its genuine mistake, or even bad grammer :icon_redface: but if a member continuly posts in text talk, we will deleate without warning

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  Selwyn Froggit said:
Then I'm afraid you're not doing your job or just plain blind :notworthy:

I suggest you scrap the rule for text talk as neither members nor Mods. take any notice of it.



your right, we often get members making snide remarks, rather than using the report button to help us identify regular text talk,

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poor eye sight, no, but each mod is responsable for certain sections, can hold my hand up 100% and say Ive never had a post reported to me, also of course, maybe whoever it was reported to, didnt judge it as being as bad as you did

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  NowYourStalking said:
I think the restriction on text talk ([bANNED TEXT] and CUL8R) is fantastic, it's good to see I'm not alone in preferring to use full English. When I post whatever I write is reduced to one big block of text making it less readable, can someone tell me how to introduce proper formatting?


If you click on 'add reply' instead of 'fast reply' all the formatting tools are in the top right corner.




Whilst on the subject of spelling and grammar, I'd like to highlight something that bugs me somewhat considerably.


Homophones and their correct usage.


to, too and two - 'to' is a preposition or an infinitive, 'too' is an adverb and 'two' is a number.


here and hear - 'here' is an adverb and 'hear' is a verb.


their, there and they're - 'their' is a possessive pronoun, 'there' is an adverb and 'they're' is a contraction of 'they are'.


Are monosyllabic words beyond the realms of education these days?

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  Selwyn Froggit said:
I've reported countless posts on various things so have other members because they've told me so,and what gets done about the majority of them - feck all.Most now have given up and let things slide as they say it's not worth the trouble.It's good to have poor eye-sight as a Mod. :thumbs:

I tell you what,every post I see text talk in I'll send you the link to the post personally,what do you say to that???.Or shall I just post them on this thread for everyone to see if you deal with them or not.So how about it????


you seem pritty upset about a bad habbit, i dont TXT talk but when i do read som already know what it all is so dont warry about, it isnt a bother. but if i had my own forum id still ban it..

Edited by victor
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  Cornio said:
  NowYourStalking said:
I think the restriction on text talk ([bANNED TEXT] and CUL8R) is fantastic, it's good to see I'm not alone in preferring to use full English. When I post whatever I write is reduced to one big block of text making it less readable, can someone tell me how to introduce proper formatting?


If you click on 'add reply' instead of 'fast reply' all the formatting tools are in the top right corner.




Whilst on the subject of spelling and grammar, I'd like to highlight something that bugs me somewhat considerably.


Homophones and their correct usage.


to, too and two - 'to' is a preposition or an infinitive, 'too' is an adverb and 'two' is a number.


here and hear - 'here' is an adverb and 'hear' is a verb.


their, there and they're - 'their' is a possessive pronoun, 'there' is an adverb and 'they're' is a contraction of 'they are'.


Are monosyllabic words beyond the realms of education these days?

i think this is going a bit far most people dont even remember doing that at school

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  claybusers al said:
  Cornio said:
  NowYourStalking said:
I think the restriction on text talk ([bANNED TEXT] and CUL8R) is fantastic, it's good to see I'm not alone in preferring to use full English. When I post whatever I write is reduced to one big block of text making it less readable, can someone tell me how to introduce proper formatting?


If you click on 'add reply' instead of 'fast reply' all the formatting tools are in the top right corner.




Whilst on the subject of spelling and grammar, I'd like to highlight something that bugs me somewhat considerably.


Homophones and their correct usage.


to, too and two - 'to' is a preposition or an infinitive, 'too' is an adverb and 'two' is a number.


here and hear - 'here' is an adverb and 'hear' is a verb.


their, there and they're - 'their' is a possessive pronoun, 'there' is an adverb and 'they're' is a contraction of 'they are'.


Are monosyllabic words beyond the realms of education these days?

i think this is going a bit far most people dont even remember doing that at school



I knew this when I was about five years old, how hard is it to tell the difference?


'I went to buy some apples, but the grocer gave me two too many'


'You'll be able to hear the music better over here.'


'They're going to play on their bikes over there.'

Edited by Cornio
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Surely theres a big difference between poor grammar and this pathetic meaningless language kids are talking these days.....most of us over a certain age im sure dont even bother reading some of the stuff written in this language,after all said and done forums are for reading so if you cant write properly then dont expect someone to read it !.....another thing that grates on me is this dopey " feck " buiseness whats all that about if your going to swear then swear its got a u in it not an e !....i cant stand all these stupid trends why do people these days somehow see it as boring to just be normal !

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It also helps a great deal when it comes to job hunting, especially in this day and age.

If I was an employer and had fifty C.V's in front of me and forty of them were riddled with misspellings and poor grammar, I would throw them into the bin and narrow it down to ten straight away.

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