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adrain got a saluk cross who retreives feather not trained just by accident then i did train him for phesis had two who were good nite dogs in woods heeled up caugh any runners or pidgoens mate , and new if theywere on a phesi nite or other gameas they heled up and wacthed the lite , dont no about widfowling with my saluk gt colli crosse who fetch things out of water tho , saw a few coli crosses fetch all sorts out of the sea rivers ,

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i new a chap who had a salukie that would catch duck ,only the odd one because after that the dog got to heavy to throw up in the air for a second time. :laugh:

It's all in the wrist action mate, did he swing it around his head by it's tail or throw it like a Shot put?

Iknow there are people out there who can train salukis, I like Salukis I watched some pals of mine working them in Southern Tunnisa, bit different from running them on ploughed feilds!

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I take it you either train or get your gun dogs trained? If it works for you then fair enough..


Hi Chris,...No, can't say I've had any experience in that department. Took a little interest in gundogs some years back and I understood that the handlers needed a little training to work with ready made/trained gundogs. Sounds like your mate had some bad luck.


Keeper on a shoot near me trained his own lab' and went on to win field trials. Bloody great to see a good/proper gundog do the business, can a lurcher do the same I wonder!




My grandad used to work a lurcher along side a springer that would retrieve duck from water ,sit and stay untill told to retrieve and at times put alot of gun dogs to shame. Not saying she was the same standard as properly trained gun dog but she was never trained to be, it was just natural. She was a collie/grey type, but i can also remember russel terrier types that were as good if not better.

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