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driveing the Nav today and got 3 - 4 miles down the road and it started to miss fire! If I eased up on the acceraltor it was ok again but as soon as I put my foot down it held back as if it wanted to cut out?....


My first thought was to change the Fuel Filter! I picked one up from the local town center went to fit it and realised that this filter needs a plastic drain plug, the one already fitted on the motor for some reason hasn't got one.. it seems the one fitted on the car is the wrong one.....


If anyone knows anywhere or any Breakers where I can get a replacement Fuel filter drain plug can you give me a shout :thumbs:...





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Is the engine management light on ?


No mate but it took a turn for the worse today and cut out everytime I tried to open up the throttle, I managed to get about 1/2 mile down the road with it spluttering and looked in the mirror to see a cloud of smike behind me....


One thing that did bother me was the Malfunction light kept coming on.....



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  • 2 weeks later...
would think its fuel filter


Cheers all for the help but it seems you was right SP :yes:. a guy at the local garage told me he thinks the fuel pump is on its way out as you could here a noise from the engine. I fitted a new filter but he reckoned it would only be a short term fix :hmm:? short term fix my arse and its running superb again now after all the filters and oil change!! it also turned out the noise from the engine was the alternator, a quick blast with WD40 and it cleared it up :D....



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