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Out for flick round with the lamp...........

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A friend came over to drive me to one of my permissions to lamp a charlie or two.It had been raining for about 1/2 an hour,so it had warmed up a fair bit,I hadn't been over to the farm for a couple of months since having a stroke,so,I was optomistic of seeing a couple.We entered the first field,and,flicked the lamp on,to see a pair of eyes looking back at us from about 150yds,so I gave a squeek and it started to come in straight away,it was a bit wary though,and,kept stopping,and,changing it's course to try and wind us,so,I tried something a mate had said had worked for him last night,I squeeked very quietly,and,what do you know.....it just flew in,in fact so fast that I had to shout to stop it.Now I wish at this point I could say that there was a crack and we had one in the bag,but,my mate got down on his bipod,took the shot and somehow missed completely.It happens to us all,and,he was fuming,anyway we carried on calling,and,another one came across the field,but,just wouldn't give me a safe shot,and,to cut a long story short,this carried on all night.In fact I started to get a bit paranoid at one point when I hadtwo foxes at the same time sat on top of a drystone wall,just looking at me,and,I'm sure I heard them laughing.We saw 7 foxes on the farm,and came away with Feck all.I said that we should nip over to another farm on the way home,but,I wasn't too sure we would get a shot there because they are very lamp shy,but,as we drove around the big field and stoped at the tp,I gave a squeek and immediately a fox came charging in,I put the bipod on the bonnet of the landrover,and,she was still coming like a train,at about 100yds she stopped,and did the sitting thing,so I put the cross hairs on her chest and let fly with a 100grainer and she flew over backwards,and,twitched for a couple of seconds.I only had a t-shirt on at that point and I suddenly realised how bloody cold it had got,so,with that shot we called it a night,wehad seen 8 foxes in all,and ended up with just one,but,it was great to get out and just be there even though it was fecking freezing by now,the temp was dropping like a stone it must of been 10 degrees earlier,and now it must be -3 degrees so a nice warm bed was beckoning,and,the rest of the charlies can wait till next time.................


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