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muck boots

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Guest lurcherboy2008

i have muckboot SPEY and for 3 years used them a few times a week easy walking/lamping/ferreting etc now the grips have gone but theyre the comfyest wellies iv ever stepped foot in ill be definetly getting a new pair soon

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i have a pair and there the best welly type boots i ever had.im reinvesting in a second pair soon.im usually a leather ankle boot man but ive been won over by the heat and how extremely light they are.so its a big thumbs up from me. :good::thumbs:

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Guest lurcherboy2008
thanks for the info folks think i will be sending off for a pair


order tey or spey i you do mate theyre the best spet are a tenner dearer because theyre camouflage look on ebay

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They are warm comfortable and easy to get off after a hard day and for the money outstanding value..Im on to my third pair ,just worn the grip/tread off them .in 5 years


Beware of imitations on ebay though


Regards Steve

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hold your horses there fella, they are good boots but the sole wears very quik. mine wore out in 6 month. bought them at the midland , and by the following march 6 month later they were like racing sliks.


i have just bought the one advertised in the cmw called "LA CROSSE" they have a real hiking boot sole, and so far are going strong, had them 4 month now.


these are the best i have tried so far :thumbs:

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I bought a pair of tay muck boots 2 years ago now real good use them about 3 times a week,they are warm and excellent in the mud ,only down side bit slippery on concrete where the other make would be better ,deffinately buy another pair when mine go ,but only buy them from a reptable shop or site ,cheap imintations about mine cost £70 with bag 2 years ago

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hold your horses there fella, they are good boots but the sole wears very quik. mine wore out in 6 month. bought them at the midland , and by the following march 6 month later they were like racing sliks.


i have just bought the one advertised in the cmw called "LA CROSSE" they have a real hiking boot sole, and so far are going strong, had them 4 month now.


these are the best i have tried so far :thumbs:


TOMO excuse me ignorance are they made by muck or different make ? are they as warm ?AND AGREE WITH YOUR COMMENT OVER TREADS /SOLE...ONLY THING WHICH LETS THEM DOWN


Regards Steve

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