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Out Today

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Well a few of us were out today the first earth was a handy one only a foot or so the local hunt was out this way yesterday and dug a vixen out of the same earth and stoped it after they had released the fox when we got to it this morning it was all opened so we sliped the dog we dug to him 20 min later to a right big dog fox and he had given the dog some stick we let him run and of to the next spot this which is a big place more vast the deep we droped the dog it took him some time to get it to a stop end but after an hour and a half we got a steady mark at 1.1 so down we went broke through lifted the dog and let his quarry run.We decided to try one more for the road so we went to a place that we had got around 4 to 5 foot most of the time but boy were we in for a suprize today we tryed a young dog as he was keen to go after a while we got a mark at 3.1 so of we went down and down and down and eventually we broke through and the dog was hold in the tube and broke when we went to take him out and of with him again so nothing for it only another hole the next one was 2.9 f**k all better but what can you do only dig to you dog so of we started again after a bit of digging we broke through and he had it in the tube again but this time we got a good hold o him and took him out and his quarry ran for another day all in all it was a good day my mate was very happy with his young dog.

P.s sorry about the pic's there not great and dnt do the depth any justice....

looks like you could have done with a jcb.. will your mate sell me his terrier .. lol :thumbs:

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when you said you had a few handy ones lined up i actually beleived you this time i must be goin soft in th head :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:

They were handy ones Kev all thats worng is that your just used to digging all those little one and two foot holes out with the hunt :tongue2::tongue2: you should try

coming out with use a bit more often for a bit of real digging :drinks: :dance: :dance: :haha::haha:

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