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trigger pull

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although i quite like the trigger pull on the cz 452 i'd be happier if it was slightly lighter. obviously the eric brookes trigger kit is the best option but does anybody know a step by step process to cut a few coils off the spring to make it slightly lighter?


any help would be greatly appreciated


cheers, jack

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its all good fun mate. im pretty sure this question has been asked before or has been mentioned in a post on this site trying searching for it, it shud be as simple as taking off one coil at a time until your are happy with the results but dont go chopping anything up yet. you should go for the proper kit though it costs feck all something like £13

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just get the kit from syss and look on the net and it will show you how to do it. ive done a couple and there easy mate.


if you want to take a coil off the spring then knock the back pin out. spring out cut a coil off and then put the pin back in. you can adjust the screw on there to for different pull

Edited by jamie g
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as i say i dont actually mind the trigger too much but every single person who has changed theirs has sung praises so i thought i might see how i get on with it. ill probably end up taking it to my dealer today to see what he can do with it. cheers for the posts



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The 453 and 452 BOTH have adjustable triggers..the 453 is simply a new design trigger and a SET trigger!


In answer to the original question I strongly suggest you do NOT cut the original spring...you will likely not get it right and there is no going back! Simply get an Eric Brooks trigger kit...




...got mine direct a few months back and cost about £8.32 including delivery...lots and lots of trigger adjustments and no cutting anything...so you can always go back to where you started!

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