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One of the peices of land i have gained permission to use a .22lr when i get one, has a few more people who have it on their license. the farmer he has an open so dont know if it counts to this, one guy may have a open .17hmr not sure (but i know him very well, and hes agreed to be a referee) the other 2 i know but the last time they shot the land was about 3 years ago ( i wouldnt trust either with a spud gun let alone rifles but there you go).

so to sumarise the only people who shoot their regulary is either the famer or me when he takes me out. would the other people reduce my chance of gettin it passed for me.


also: I have one definate, one very likly (yet to clear it with farmer but should be ok if i sweeten him up) and several other land on which i could get with time (and a few smoked trout). is one permission enough to get aq grant??

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Land is land no matter how many people shoot there.


As you say, they could all have Open tickets in which case it wouldn't matter anyway.


If you put the land on your application form, it will more than likely have been passed already with the amount of shooters that are known to you who shoot there.


In which case, as long as the FEO is satisfied that there are no safety issues with the amount of shooters, i.e. a conflict between who can shoot there and when.


It comes down to how land is managed, and who is let to shoot there.


Give you an example.


On the shoot with me here, I still have a closed FAC and my shoot is on there. But it is and was also used for three other people to be granted their FAC's.


SS :thumbs:

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hiya,if the land has not been passed,the local feo will have to inspect it,my land was passed up to ,22,but i wanted .223 for fox,and i had to go on my land with the feo for an inspection,that was northumbria feo,could be different where you are,but the land will have to be checked for suitability,for any fire arm,oki doki,ian

ps,got the ,223 passed no probs,as long as the land is ok

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hiya sterry,you should put all your land down to be cleared,as you wont get an open fac,not first time anyway,so you can only shoot on land that has been cleared,as suitable for that calibre,might be diffirent up there but not much,,oki doki,tea time,ian

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hiya sterry,you should put all your land down to be cleared,as you wont get an open fac,not first time anyway,so you can only shoot on land that has been cleared,as suitable for that calibre,might be diffirent up there but not much,,oki doki,tea time,ian



cheers ian, should be all systems go end of the month. just got to sweeten up one or two more land owners.

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