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a question for the welsh

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how many will you need ,wales has been over hunted in some places as ive traveld there several times and game was scarce but had lots of verminous foxes etc we had 13 one nite but boys shot 23 not my sport but farmers were well happy with them ,the same guys come to scotland to hunt rabbits a few deer and have been fishing lobster trapping with myself like walesand would maybe visit once a year or twice ,nice place but running wise dog wise scotland takes a bit of beating for me

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I'm in North Gwent and its dead rabbit wise at the moment. I've spent a lot of time out around the mountains during the xmas break and have been lucky to see a bunny let alone catch one!! Even the b*****d squirrels have gone to sleep to get out of the cold :wallbash:

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reading your posts boys it sounds like im lucky where i live...not saying we take big bags, (quite the opposite) but rarely do we come home with nothing and generally have a few good courses on whatever we decide to hunt...but would agree that there are definatley pocket areas which are more rewarding than others...the only problem i have is the opposite to yours...you boys can go out all the time but theres not much about...myself there is lots about but due to just having a plate in my leg, i cant get out to catch em...one of my fields got about 50 rabbits in it....i would offer it out to one of you boys, but im a greedy b***ard and cant wait to ferret it in end feb...

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Hi all,

i'm from near cardiff and just started ferreting again,

having the same prob, lack of the rabbits.

best day out has been only 3 and thats since september.


anyone know of any places near me to give a try?

going to england on sat cause need to have a good day out!!!!


guess no ones going to tell me don't blame you!!

england here i come boo.

Edited by hickso
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