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the time has come

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RIP pup, im sure she had a nice send off


i worked in a animal hydrotherapy centre for a while and people just used to keep these poor dogs who had terrible autheritus and joint pain alive....cruel beggers couldnt give the poor old dogs a peacful pain free send off :(


you did what was best

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Sorry to hear your bad news. I had to do this to my Russell last year she had cancer. It felt wrong at the time (like I was letting her down in some way) but now when I think back all I have are the good times we spent out and about.

I think the thing that hit home was my dads comment when I said she was in pain but still trying to get up and be with me and his comment was " Boy that dog was so loyal to you she would still try to follow you with no legs" thought that kind of summed her up.

All the best.


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Sad loss mate, we i read threads like yours i feel the dog was lucky to have an owner like you for 16 yrs mate, some dogs are lucky to have a home for 16 weeks, she obviously showed you loyalty but you certainly gave plenty back. R.I.P. GIRL.

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