LAMPER 0 Posted March 11, 2005 Report Share Posted March 11, 2005 Many of you who know me, will know that the season just gone seen me loose my Good lurcher bitch Seren. She died totaly unexpected during a nights lamping expedition. I was left totaly gutted with what happened and it took ages to get the incident out of my head. It left me thinking long and hard about where i was gonna go from now on?. Being a realist i knew i needed to make sure the next dog i aquired would most suit the type of hunting i do most. Although i enjoyed hunting all quarry,most of my hunting is in the pursuit of the humble bunny. This is mostly with the use of ferrets,and nets. These being both purse and stop/long nets. The more i thought of it the more i decided i was gonna go for what is usualy known as a "small type" of Lurcher,Something around the 21" mark. Something that could get and sit right tight on top of a warren,even in the thickest of cover. Hopefully something that would be able to give that all important good positive mark that is priority in a Good ferreting Dog. I also wanted something i could train to the gun and use to retrieve anything that had the misfortune to get in the cross hairs of my rifle. A dog that would hunt and work hard for the cause when out mooching. Ive already decided that im gonna have a break from the lamping scene.To be honest it just dont rock my boat anymore and i think a break from it is whats needed. Saying that i still hope to get an invite from certain individuals now and then to see their fabulous canines perform heroics . Anyway,after looking at a few litters ive managed to get me a pup that hopefully with the right training and entering,should hopefully turn into a good,decent honest little Dog. The Pup is basicaly a Whippet/collie cross and is now 12 wks old. Hes settled in well over the last 5 weeks and already showing signs of being a Dog that should give me no problems with training . hopefully . Ill keep you all informed with his progress and ill pop a few pics of him up now and then... Alfonso........ all the best......Lamps Quote Link to post
Guest Keeps Posted March 11, 2005 Report Share Posted March 11, 2005 He's lovely Lamper, good luck with him Quote Link to post
Guest Geordie Posted March 11, 2005 Report Share Posted March 11, 2005 Looks a little cracker Lamper,all the best with him [bANNED TEXT] Quote Link to post
buckshot 53 Posted March 11, 2005 Report Share Posted March 11, 2005 cant see pics,but goodluck anyway Quote Link to post
woodga 170 Posted March 11, 2005 Report Share Posted March 11, 2005 good luck in the future with the pup [bANNED TEXT] im sure you will make a good un out of him goodhunting all woodga :ph34r: Quote Link to post
Brummy 9 Posted March 12, 2005 Report Share Posted March 12, 2005 Well built little fella...... Nice. All the best with him Quote Link to post
mistwalker 0 Posted March 13, 2005 Report Share Posted March 13, 2005 Crackin lookin pup there Lamper, looks like he's got a grear wee attitude on him. Best o luck Quote Link to post
IanB 0 Posted March 13, 2005 Report Share Posted March 13, 2005 Nice dog lamper, bet you can't wait till hes up and ready ... Quote Link to post
Kye 77 Posted March 13, 2005 Report Share Posted March 13, 2005 I hope he goes well for you mate...Eevn if he isnt fast enough, you might be able to put a color on him and send him down the warrens! though, he looks a handy little type, all the best with him.. Kye.. PS...STOP LETTING YOUR KIDS NAME YOUR MUTTS! Quote Link to post
smallmouth 1 Posted March 14, 2005 Report Share Posted March 14, 2005 Ain't it about time you cut that grass mate?............. He looks a smashing pup, it will be interesting to hear what temperament differences you notice training a dog as opposed to bitches. Quote Link to post
LAMPER 0 Posted March 14, 2005 Author Report Share Posted March 14, 2005 Ain't it about time you cut that grass mate?............. He looks a smashing pup, it will be interesting to hear what temperament differences you notice training a dog as opposed to bitches. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks for the reply lads So far Smally the signs have been good mate!. He seems to have the right attitude and is always willing to please. For a Pup of only 13 wks he has a good attention span which is always a good thing when you start there training. His recall is good and he can be distracted from whatever hes up to with it, though when hes playing with the ferrets he will still keep one eye on them just to see what there up to. Hes sitting first time and ive had him jumping a small board ive set up for him. Its at about 18" now and he has no problems with it,even when carrying an object. Ive not realy started the stay yet,ive found this can be a bit intimidating for a young pup and can be a bit of a knock back at an early age. Ill start that in a month or so. Ive had him retrieveing since he was 8 wks,at first with a small toy in the house... Gradualy over the weeks ive moved on from this to a small plastic pop bottle. For some reason they just love these and can be kept quite keen for them easily. I then had him chasing and carrying back a small squeaky ball and then today i finaly introduced him to the Rabbit skin Dummy. Im glad to say ther were no problems and he did 5 good retrieves straight back to hand with no messing about. Ill keep him on this now and hopefully there will be no problems when i move onto the advanced retrieving. Ill keep ya informed . Oh.., by the way i cut the grass yesterday..... all the best......Lamps Quote Link to post
Guest LEARNER Posted March 15, 2005 Report Share Posted March 15, 2005 LAMPER,i,m really pleased for you, now one off the best lurchers i,ve seen was bred this way, now some on this thread may laugh at this statement , but don,t kid yourselves, this little bitch had the courage and commitment off lurchers twice or more her size, she was ultra clever ,a dream to train, but most off all a pleasure to take out ,she was one off those dogs that always caught some thing everyday, one off thoses dogs ,that could always produce that gasp off astonishment ,that you thought you could get use to, i remember my mate took her out with me ,on her first lamping trip, yes i never owned her ,but i wished i did, anyway , my dog at the time was well touted as one of the best , regarding lamping, now this bitch had spent most her life, catching and hunting the hard way ,what i call the true poaching style, lamping was just budding, and this bitch was 9 years at the time, this is what i call brains and working qualitiy, she watch the first run off my dog ,then after ran tit for tat , noththing ever seem hard to her, thats the only time she lamped as my mate liked hunting ,i in the way it should be done, now in my time i,ve done the odd obediance trial, and i can say hand on heart , the best dogs in my book ,were always the collie whippet crosses ,they always gave so much to thier owners, and why i,ve never owned on myself , i will never know .perhaps a slow learner ,i,m afraid, but i,ve had the odd word or two with LAMPER,over the years, and i know this lad will bring the best out off his pup, and i really hope he feels the vibes that my mate felt with his dog, GOOD TRAINING GOOD HUNTING. Quote Link to post
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