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great day out

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myself and the daughter (alix) set off today to one of our permissions, a small 2 acre garden between lots of farmland, as we drove down the road leading to the house, a barn owl took off from the hedgeside, and was flying only a couple of yards in front of the jeep, lovely sight to see, we have one bit of the garden left to ferret, having done 2 other sides on previous visits, was using my two best jills, vixen and brenda (mother & daughter) and got two from this area, the owner came home and as we were picking up the nets, commented that he would give one of the adjoining farmers a ring and see if we could ferret on his side of land, that a bridle path runs through, well while he went back to the house, we ferreted the wood pile, although it did'nt seem the rabbits had moved back in here, we took a single one there, the owner came back just as we finished lifting the nets and getting to the front of the house, he invited us in for coffee, and then went on to explain, that the farmer had just granted me permission over the whole of his land showing me on a map, this is a very,very,very large chunk of land, hedgerows everywhere, and rabbits and warrens to boot

the bridle path was next on our list, although as there was only the two of us, I picked the easist two warrens to do, after we had netted up, we stood and watched a weasel in the opposite bank, chase a rabbit about, before the rabbit bolted along the path, with the weasel in hot pursuit, they cant half run bloody fast, a few minutes later we heard the squeal of the rabbit, telling us the weasel had his dinner, we took another 6 rabbits, and I was just lifting the nets, when brenda bolted two from the same hole, of course, one went the side of net that I had just lifted, but the other hit the net just inches from the first pole, so ended up with a bag of ten, two of which were in the early stages of pregnancy, all in all a cracking day, great watching the local wildlife,no digs at all, the girls bolted everything and no lay-ups and of course, the new permission, no pictures as didnt find the time to drag it out of the bag

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